OMG!!! SERIOUS odor problem, but I have....

brett silva

Active Member
a 14" Max Fan vent fan sitting on top of a HHHHHHHHUGE Can filter which cost me $$$$$$$$$$$

What is happening is that in my grow room, I am exausting up into my attict and the odor is shooting out the vents (in my attict) and out into the front of my house!? It is stinking up my neighborhood and Im freaking out!

This shouldnt be happening with this very expensive Can filter!?

I am currently in my very first grow and my 6 girls are currently into their 2nd week of flowering. The smell started 48 hrs ago and is getting MUCH MUCH MUCH WORSE!!!!!!!

What do you yall suggest!?

Thank you very much in advance


Well-Known Member
lol you must be growing some dank for it to stink that bad that early just search aroun here for diy carbon filter It worked for me when I grew 5.A member on here named wolfman zen or something has a great tutorial on here that is very simple to do just get the basic idea of one down from that and then you'll probably just have to make it bigger and you should be good.
like he said above look up the odor control methods they recommend in the grow facts. Uses a 5 gal bucket, a circular fan, ONA and some sort of absorbtion crystals to slow the ona depleating to fast. it will cover up the bud smell but your neighborhood might start smelling like fresh laundry or whatever ona you choose.

brett silva

Active Member
Hey thanks for your reply 420 Time. Here is a pic of my filter. Its almost 4ft tall and weighs over 100bs!!!! On top is a 14" Max Fan.

the strand I am growing (since Im a newbie is Sativa Skunk)

and 420 Time, I couldnt find that article from Wolfman. Does anyone know where thats at?

Thank you very much again everyone



Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for your reply 420 Time. Here is a pic of my filter. Its almost 4ft tall and weighs over 100bs!!!! On top is a 14" Max Fan.

the strand I am growing (since Im a newbie is Sativa Skunk)

and 420 Time, I couldnt find that article from Wolfman. Does anyone know where thats at?

Thank you very much again everyone

you want to find roseman go to the bubblephonics /bubbleheads tutorial


Well-Known Member
maybe a stupid question. Is your fan's CFM so high that it pulls the air across the carbon too fast?


Well-Known Member
a 14" Max Fan vent fan sitting on top of a HHHHHHHHUGE Can filter which cost me $$$$$$$$$$$

What is happening is that in my grow room, I am exausting up into my attict and the odor is shooting out the vents (in my attict) and out into the front of my house!? It is stinking up my neighborhood and Im freaking out!

This shouldnt be happening with this very expensive Can filter!?

I am currently in my very first grow and my 6 girls are currently into their 2nd week of flowering. The smell started 48 hrs ago and is getting MUCH MUCH MUCH WORSE!!!!!!!

What do you yall suggest!?

Thank you very much in advance

it might be your humidity is too high and thats stopping the carbon filter working properly.
you could be pulling air to quickly thru the filter.
or your plants might just be too much for the filter (ones im growing at moment are for me) in that case i'd recomend getting an ozone generator to stop the smell


Can you slow your fans down to give the air more time in contact with the carbon? That is likely going to make the biggest difference. Make sure the seal between the filter and the fan is completely airtight as well.


My filter is 3' tall and only has a 8" fan on it for comparison. With this combo I've been able in the past to vent a coliseum grow directly into a home with zero detectable odor even by other growers - although it wasn't skunk.


Active Member
filter worn out or not properly attached you shouldnt have any smell if its hooked up right. youll wanna fix that asap to if you live anywhere but in the country with no neighbors :P ive seen alot of busts that happend because of neighbors complaining about a skunky stink


Well-Known Member
a 14" Max Fan vent fan sitting on top of a HHHHHHHHUGE Can filter which cost me $$$$$$$$$$$

What is happening is that in my grow room, I am exausting up into my attict and the odor is shooting out the vents (in my attict) and out into the front of my house!? It is stinking up my neighborhood and Im freaking out!

This shouldnt be happening with this very expensive Can filter!?

I am currently in my very first grow and my 6 girls are currently into their 2nd week of flowering. The smell started 48 hrs ago and is getting MUCH MUCH MUCH WORSE!!!!!!!

What do you yall suggest!?

Thank you very much in advance
idk man but if its 4ft tall and weighs over 100bs im sure thats enough to do the job maybe hooked up wrong or like other people said its blowing the air too fast


Well-Known Member
filter worn out or not properly attached you shouldnt have any smell if its hooked up right. youll wanna fix that asap to if you live anywhere but in the country with no neighbors :P ive seen alot of busts that happend because of neighbors complaining about a skunky stink
That's exactly what I was thinking. How old is your filter? They typically last for 1-2 years before the carbon is all "used up". Do you have the ducting sealed up? Do you have your grow room sealed up? Make everything as air tight as possible, otherwise you will have odors creeping out of the growing area. I personally have that problem a bit, I'm growing in a closet in a 100+ year old house, and even with a good fan/filter, I can smell it a bit in my downstairs, probably because its an old house and not sealed up real well.


Well-Known Member
maybe a stupid question. Is your fan's CFM so high that it pulls the air across the carbon too fast?
That shouldn't be a problem as long as the fan and filter are size matched. If you have a huge cfm fan hooked up to a tiny filter, then that might cause a problem.

OP, how many cfm is your fan pulling? Did you buy the fan and filter as a set, or seperately?

brett silva

Active Member
WOW, thank you all for your swift replys! I will reply to EVERY reply here but unfortunately I can not until I get home from work tonight :(

Until then, thank you very much!


Well-Known Member
You are probably pulling too much air through the filter especially if you are using a 100# filter and a 14' can-fan. Either upgrade your filter or put your fan on a speed controller.

They also make a new can filter called the Can 100 Lite it has tighter packed carbon so it weighs less but it can handle up to 1400 CFM.


well i started with charcoal filter 2 footer 6 inch fan has been doin fine till i went to flower so i put small charcoal filters (the replacement ones from walmart) on my fan to suck air thru and on the exit of my exhaust and still had a green smell just in the room... i went and bought the ona block from the hydro store and no smell at all now and its just sittin in there :hug:big hug to whoever brought up the ona block thank you!!! smells like fresh laundry in the apt now instead of a green house smell (btw growin sour diesel this shit stinks)