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  1. D

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Your so freaking fast with your replies. Its awesome. You guys are so helpful.
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Would you think it would be better to use double the recommended amount of castings? I don't know what the other products have that arnt in the castings. Maybe I won't be able to fight all the varieties of bad bacteria?
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I have been wondering this for a while, can I make the tea using only earthworm castings? They themselves have bb's. Is this not enough different strains of bb? Will it work but just not as well? I want to try it because if a dwc set up. I have the brown slime as well. Thanks
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    The unanswered ?

    thanks that's very helpfull
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    The unanswered ?

    hello I have been reading a lot on cloning but I can't seem to find the answer to my ?. Here's why I wanna know. I have a bunch of plants growing right now and don't know if they are male or female. Can I put them on a 12/12 light cycle until they show sex and then go back as soon as I...
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    How much is realistic?

    well that's not what I wanna hear. Can someone else answer?
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    How much is realistic?

    I can't seem to find any good info on realistic plant yields. I have bagseed vegging right now. Is there an average yield per inch or something? I just wanna know what to expect. Thanks
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    Nutrients? My plants are about a month old now...

    Even though I only use 200 mL? I still shouldn't water every day?
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    Nutrients? My plants are about a month old now...

    So is that a good amount to water every day in a 2 gallon soil pot?
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    Nutrients? My plants are about a month old now...

    I have fed the plants with grow big last nigh. I mixed 1 teaspoon with one gallon of water. I watered each plant with 200 mL. Is that about right? Should I water 200 mL every plant every night or more or less? Thanks for the help!
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    TIme Frame from seedling to harvest????

    Hey guys just wondering.... When you buy seeds from a seedbank and the description says flowering time: 60-70 days..., Does that mean from seedling to harvest or is that from the end of vegatative to harvest? (just flowering period) Thanks in advance for any help.
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    Nutrients? My plants are about a month old now...

    Just had some problems with my plants in the last few days. Not sure what to do. The leaves were turning yellowish with some dead ends. I started these plants in miracle grow mix soil before I knew that was a bad idea. I then transplanted them in top soil. We just flushed them to try and...
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    Bump bump bumpity bump bump
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    Also, how often should I water them? How much water each time? And how often should I give them nutes and how much of the nutes. I don't know my ph but I've been using distiller water. Thanks again.
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    Thanks blue and everyone. My temp has been between 70 - 86 My humidy has been as low as 40% and as high as 60%. Any more feedback is greatly appreciated.
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    Some possibilities that I've been thing about... Could it be from spray paint fumes last weekend? Could it be from having them in miracle grow soil mix? Could it be from too much or not enough water? What is the best soil to plant these in? Could they still be in shock from the transplant...
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    should I put it in plain soil or ad nutrients. What type of nutes should I be using at this point?
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    Ok I'll just take a guess. Is it a nitrogen problem?
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    Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?

    Below are a couple of plants and I dont know what the problem could be. The bottom leaves are browning and looking almost dead. Some of the upper leaves are drying up too. Its not cause the soil is dry because thats not the case. I have not started using nutrients yet. They are about 1...
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    Looks bad, is it too hot?

    would it be a good idea to spritz the leaves with water? Would that open them up some?