Looks bad, is it too hot?


Active Member
3 Days ago i just transplanted the plants from plastic cups into 2 gallon buckets and filled with topsoil and mixed in some moss. The root ball was still in the miracle grow when transpanted and still is. Now all the leaves on every plant are curling real bad and they are starting to get brownish spots on them. I now have 4 400w cfl's on them in the reflective grow box. Do you think this is too hot in there? Also, I have to put in an intake and exhaust still. Would that cause severe curling and browning? I am including some pics to look at. Please reply asap so I can save them. Also, how much water should I give a plant how often. Overnight, lots of condensation formed all over the inside of the box. Would all the humidity curl the leaves?

Thanks for the help.


LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
u better have ventilation if u gonna be running 24/0 light cycle ..or all that hot air jus gonna trap it self in the grow area with no where to go


Well-Known Member
browning tips usually means you have overwatered and your plants leaf tips were sitting in the wet soil, then when they came back up they were a bit went and the light was magnified causing the tips to burn and dry out a bit.

adding an exhaust and intake will deffinately help with temps. but it also helps get fresh air to your plants. they need fresh air. every living thing plant or animal needs fresh air.

Make surre the drainage in your pots is good, and only water until you see a little bit comming out of the bottom of the pot. plus, make sure you stick your finger at least up to the middle knuckle and feel that its not totally dry but not damp either in the dirt before you rewater.

if you used miracle grow then be sure that you know what your doing with bnutes before you use any. as far as i know ALL miracle grow has its own time released nutes in it. so every time you water more nutes are given to your plant. too many nutes will cause the plant to lock itself out and will then cause the leaves to curl and yellow to a death. I believe its called a nitrogen lockout or something on those lines.

otherwise good luck buddy!


Active Member
Do I need to pull the stem and root out of the miracle grow and replace back in soil or can't I remove roots at this point?


Well-Known Member
dont pull it out. miracle grow it fine as long as your not going to be drowning the plant in nutes. pulling the plants roots out of the dirt will only stress it out. if your going to spray the leaves or anything do it before the lights go out. if the leaves are wet when the lights are on your going to find it burning and drying up even more. you want the leaves to absorb any liquid before the lights come on. I would just watch how your watering and just use straight Ph adjusted water for now. make sure your water is sitting out in like a milk jug or something for at least 3 days before using it. this will allow any chlorine or any other chemicals used to make safe drinking water evapourate!