The unanswered ?


Active Member

I have been reading a lot on cloning but I can't seem to find the answer to my ?. Here's why I wanna know. I have a bunch of plants growing right now and don't know if they are male or female. Can I put them on a 12/12 light cycle until they show sex and then go back as soon as I know, take clippings of females and veg them again? Or is it once the 12/12 cycle starts it's final. If that's not possible then how can I clone without knowing which ones are female?

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for bad


Well-Known Member

I have been reading a lot on cloning but I can't seem to find the answer to my ?. Here's why I wanna know. I have a bunch of plants growing right now and don't know if they are male or female. Can I put them on a 12/12 light cycle until they show sex and then go back as soon as I know, take clippings of females and veg them again? Or is it once the 12/12 cycle starts it's final. If that's not possible then how can I clone without knowing which ones are female?

Thanks in advance!

Sorry for bad
That is a lot of stress on your plants, if genetics are not up to par, you could get hermies..BETTER to clone all of them....once your clones root, throw the clones into flower...the ones that are male, throw away the mom and clones...then concentrate on the females!



Active Member
Three easy steps! :)

1. Take a clone from your plant (still in veg).
2. Wait until the clone has taken root.
3. Put the clone in a separate room/area/closet under 12/12 until it shows sex.

The sex of the mother/father will be the sex of the clone. You'll want to toss this plant, as its root structure and stem can't support any real results. If you're going to do this with multiple plants grown from seed, I suggest labeling the mothers AND clones really well. You don't want to mix up which plants came from which.

I hope this helps!

C2C :leaf:


Elite Rolling Society
I make a sleeve, of black plastic, from a plastic garbage bag amd tape, , and I place the sleeve on one of the biggest lower branches, for 12/12. 12 hours Light and 12 hours darkness. It is a hassle, but within ten to 14 days, that one branch shows SEX.

There is a small amount of SHOCK, but you can re-VEG from 12/12 back to VEGGING.