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  1. P

    Lite Movers

    i know one I checked on sells a rebuild kit up front. the theory sounds good though. still looking for some conformation of expected improvements in yeild. The poteiential for power savings is a giving.
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    Lite Movers

    I have a 4' x 8' grow table and am currently using 4 each 400 watt hps lamps with 39 each 23 watt cfls. (flowering only) I am wanting to phase out the cfls. At first I thought I would just get a couple of more HPS but I am thinking going with a light mover instead. What I would like to do is...
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    How Much Weight is Lost by Drying?

    I agree with slowing of the water as the plant nears harvest. My experience has it at about 75% loss of weight.
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    planting seeds question

    Hey I just tried some rockwool cubes to start some seeds. The directions on the package called to use a lemon to adjust the PH and soak just breifly. After that place them in a warm humid enviroment. Within 48 hrs I had sprouts up on 15 of 16 seeds. I had one dud seed. I am impressed with it as...
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    Staggered lighting - anyone tried this?

    The only way I could see this making any sense if you were in fact trying to replicate natures light cycle. Dusk/ Dawn , Noon/ Night and all the in betweens. To simply have half on half off will extend bulb life is about all thats going to do. For the money it would be better to take that extra...
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    1st time indoor. S.D.

    whats a shame is I guess you can't use the greenhouse to flower
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    Urgent Problem!!!

    I would suggest the neem oil. A little goes a long ways and it also has a fungul control as well. I use it mainly in my veg room but have on ocassion had to retreat the soil in the flower room. It is organic and pleasant to work.
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    Possible sex outcomes from a hermi?

    hey I am finishing up a grow that was from seeds from a previous grow that was infected by hermies. On the original grow I detected the males and I recall a few hermies and thought I had a good 12 or so young ladies going. Anyway they got infected by what I later discovered was 2 hermies that...
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    WTF are these things????

    i use neem oil and it works real well in keeping pest and fungal problems in check. It is also pleasant to use as well.
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    HELP! Plant drooping bad, and bottom leaves yellowing and dying *pics* +REP for help

    Looking at your pic I would believe you are overwatering just a little. I have had that very same trouble and still do from time to time. I am thinking it should bounce back, a good sign would be for the leaves to start cupping back towards the light. As most have said it is best to let the...
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    lowryder #2 seed production

    Hey this sounds like something seed producers would not want you to know. My one exprience with an autoflowering strain was through a freebie and because you canot clone them i have not purchased any. what I was wondering is if you start with a feminized strain do you lose that trait. Also I...
  12. P

    @ 30 days too small???

    yep get them lights closer
  13. P

    I think I've found a paradox on ordering seeds?

    dont over analyze it. the law would have to be already on your case to be checking your mail and like most have said if customs tagged it then you get a letter.
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    DIY: Home Made CO2 Guide

    you can make an airlock by running a tube to another bottle with water just make sure you seal your connections
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    Hawaiian Skunk Budding on 18/6

    I have 7 of 10 plants started from seed at 4 weeks now. Anyway one has not only shown sex but appears to be outright flowering. I was wanting to vegg these at least 1-2 more weeks in order to get more growth and take some clones. Would it be alright to keep this one on 18/6 ?
  16. P

    Flowering / Revegging

    I see that this post was still getting some views so I thought I would update as to what my experience has been so far. So far i have pressed forward with the idea of sexing first then moving ID'd females back to vegging. The strategy so far seems to be working for me. I have been able to get...
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    Rhino SeedBank

    just glancing at their site they seem to be a little over priced and I noticed they had considerable amount of out of stock on what I would think to be available strains. I have used Attitude and they were very prompt.
  18. P

    germinated seeds in soil :) finally...

    hey no one seems to want to give a direct answer do they. start with 2 for 1-2 days them bump to 4 then 6. of course watch the heat and moisture during the first few days of root development. congratulations on your germ rate. i have generally had better than 90% but just experienced a 100%...
  19. P

    Single branch flowering?

    once approach would be to change to 12/12 for the 2 weeks or so that it takes to sex the plants then go back and vegg make sure they are good an healthy there is some stress involved