Possible sex outcomes from a hermi?

Obviously I realize that hermi seeds will produce more hermi's.. but is there still the possibility that it could produce a full female?


Obviously I realize that hermi seeds will produce more hermi's.. but is there still the possibility that it could produce a full female?

ooo yeah very likely!!!! unless they have deep hermi traits. all you gotta do is pollinate a non hermi male to a non hermi female of same strain a few times. everytime you do it dilutes the hermi geanes even more. or you can bypass all that and grow out a bunch of beans, and pick the non hermi female from it and pick clones all day. this is lots of typing my my drunk ass so some plus rep would be cool:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Obviously I realize that hermi seeds will produce more hermi's.. but is there still the possibility that it could produce a full female?



"When a hermaphrodite plant pollinates itself or is pollinated by another hermaphrodite plant, all of its seeds grow up to be hermaphrodites. When a hermaphrodite is pollinated by a male plant, half its seeds are hermaphrodites and half are male."


Active Member
I am currently testing this right now. i had 3 plants turn hermie on me and got about 60-80 seeds, 8 of these seeds are currently 10 days into flowering as of today. So far only 2 are showing signs of sex and I beleive these two will be male or hermie so far not looking too good but I will update you on this in a few more days....


Active Member


"When a hermaphrodite plant pollinates itself or is pollinated by another hermaphrodite plant, all of its seeds grow up to be hermaphrodites. When a hermaphrodite is pollinated by a male plant, half its seeds are hermaphrodites and half are male."
Correct me if I am wrong but this article is talking about a specific plant...........


"Maize plants are hermaphrodites, having both male (pollen-producing) and female (seed-producing) flowers. Other plant and animal species have two sexes, such as males and females. From the title, “Density-dependent regulation of sex ratio in an annual plant�?, I assumed that this week’s paper (by Marcel Dorken and John Pannell, published in American Naturalist) would be about how parent plants adjust the male:female ratio in their offspring, a topic I have discussed previously.
But no. Mercurialis annua is stranger than that. Its two “sexes�? are male and hermaphrodite.

"When a hermaphrodite plant pollinates itself or is pollinated by another hermaphrodite......................................"

Anyway, I am currently growing out 3 seeds off of a hermie plant, I believe it was a stressed induced hermie. We shall see what happens. If I get even one female out of three that would kill your theory.


Active Member
hey I am finishing up a grow that was from seeds from a previous grow
that was infected by hermies.
On the original grow I detected the males and I recall a few hermies and
thought I had a good 12 or so young ladies going.
Anyway they got infected by what I later discovered was 2 hermies that
wasnt quite so obvious.
I am now well on the way to finishing up this grow and still no seeding detected.
I did find a few hermies and got better at detecting the sneaky one.
The only thing I would advise is to start as many seeds as possible and be prepared
to cull alot