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  1. Rasp

    How and when do you use molasses

    Plantation... 15 mL per gallon, whether in veg or flowering, compost or guano tea.
  2. Rasp

    How to make Tea?

    Materials Needed Bucket, plastic hose, air pump, cheese cloth, nylons or paint strainer and air stones. Depending on what you're using mix your dry material up on the cheese cloth or nylons, tie it up and suspend it in the water. Hook up the pumps to the air stones via tubing and drop the...
  3. Rasp

    Im about done with this organic shit

    You're putting bone and blood meal into teas? Never ever seen that. I grow all organic with no issues and have quite a different approach but never any issues, knock on wood. Especially with pH. Try this next go round, I assure you it works. Amend your soil, preferrably ProMix or FFOF, with 20%...
  4. Rasp

    Ph is too high.. HELP ME PLZ!!!!

    Don't sweat it. Common mistake for first timers is to really sweat the small stuff. It's OK, just puff one and lay back. MJ is a real strong plant and can survive in a variety of conditions so just let the plant do it's thing. Little hiccups along the way are to be expected. Just deal with them...
  5. Rasp

    Ph is too high.. HELP ME PLZ!!!!

    Relax, pH 7 for soil isn't the end of the world. It's barely a little high. Most stuff out of the bag is 6.6-6.8. Watering and feeding with solutions at appropriate pH levels for soil (6.2-6.6) should help bring the soil down. Flushing it should help too. Otherwise add some sulfur or organic...
  6. Rasp

    Is this normal for such a young plant?

    That is a little interesting, the circled part... it's mutated, I'd say. Two leaf sets perpendicular to the last new growth. They look OK otherwise, why did you remove the cotyledons?
  7. Rasp

    Taking clones in late flower?

    To answer your question in theory, you can take a cutting right up until harvest. It isn't ideal by any means and your best bet is to put it under 24/7 and then gradually introduce it to veg nutes. Why not just re-veg the plant to a mother and take clones from that?
  8. Rasp

    hello world!

    Welcome to RIU!
  9. Rasp

    8x8 grow room set up

    Four 600's are a better option in an 8x8 space than just one 1000. But two 1000's would be better than four 600's. As far as venting, if you're using Co2 you need to configure it so you're not exhausting while Co2 is running. I don't use Co2 so I'm not well versed in how to run the system.
  10. Rasp

    "earth hour" what a joke

    /shakes head Hmm... Earth Hour. Almost as condescending and belittling of the issue as Live8 or some other shit. Why go for real change when we can all play along and pretend? It's funner that way, no?
  11. Rasp

    My attic grow room construction

    Wow, you've done some amazing work man. I'm just about to start something similar and you've really laid down the blueprint for how to do an attic room right. My approach has been similar to yours although I'm genuinely stumped on the fan/filter scenario. Not sure what exactly is going to...
  12. Rasp

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey what's going on people? New to RIU... not new to the sweet, sweet ganj but new to the farm side of things. Definitely eager to learn and ready to get to it... take it easy but take it.