Is this normal for such a young plant?


Well-Known Member
Nothing is relly wrong I guess.But here is my question.I circled whats confusing me.And looks like im seeing white hairs from the nodes already n haven't seen leafs circled grow till plant is taller.Been on 18/6 from seed.When I was growing a previous one,It didn't do this until it was much taller also.
Im stilll new though,thats why im posting here.Any help much appreciated.
And I cliped the first set,for some reason I always endup killing the first set of leafs.Not on purpose of course.
These are more seeds outa the same bagseed from my earlier grow.I have 2 that are looking like this.Sry pics are blurry,from cell.



Active Member
That is a little interesting, the circled part... it's mutated, I'd say. Two leaf sets perpendicular to the last new growth. They look OK otherwise, why did you remove the cotyledons?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks like any other plant i have seen, next thing i am away to say is total guess work, as i have no experience growing them! But if it is showing signs of sex at that size is it maybe one of the auto strains? Dunno what anyone else thinks.


Well-Known Member
Just a deformaty in the seedling the plant will out grow these odd shaped leaves but i would not worry to much.Cut the watering down so that the plant has to search out food rather than been watered too often just don't let it dry out.