Im about done with this organic shit


New Member
Has anyone else had a problem with organic nute burn, or ph issues. Every single grow seems to get fucked up with this organic shit, if its not the teas, the worm casting or molases :cuss:WTF is going on, I need a vets help to tell me whats up with organics and all the fluctuations that take place.
Sea bird guano
bat guano
home made worm casting
blood meal
bone meal
botanicare pro soil liquid nutes

I dont use these things at once hell Ive bearly used any of them because the minute I do something goes wrong. Im thinking thats its this damn growing in soil shit, I will have to go to coco and chemical ferts cause this making me lose interest in this hobby.



Well-Known Member
Calm down take a breath I grow organic and I dont have any problems let me see you say nute burn that is prob from the bone meal that shit will burn if you dont apply correctly I use 2part mg organic choice potting soil 1 part perlite and 1 tablespoon of bone meal to a gallon of soil this never gives me an issue oh yea I use dolomite lime to balance ph and never have ph problems If i were you I would flush then add dolomite lime(local hardware store) and your ph prob will go away. also what what organic soil are you using are you flowering or veggin. Dont use bone meal for veg and dont use blood meal for flowering. Always use 1/4 strength of recommended with your nutrients and bat guano is very acidic any kind of manure is so that could cause a ph prob.


Well-Known Member
i didnt reccomend mg I was just letting him know but fuzzy has helped me so I know he can help you listen to him by the way I added to your rep fuzzy for helping thanx.


New Member
Calm down take a breath I grow organic and I dont have any problems let me see you say nute burn that is prob from the bone meal that shit will burn if you dont apply correctly I use 2part mg organic choice potting soil 1 part perlite and 1 tablespoon of bone meal to a gallon of soil this never gives me an issue oh yea I use dolomite lime to balance ph and never have ph problems If i were you I would flush then add dolomite lime(local hardware store) and your ph prob will go away. also what what organic soil are you using are you flowering or veggin. Dont use bone meal for veg and dont use blood meal for flowering. Always use 1/4 strength of recommended with your nutrients and bat guano is very acidic any kind of manure is so that could cause a ph prob.
Thanks for the response, however I dont understand your advice about not using bone meal for veg or blood meal for flower, after you stated you use bone meal, why:?:
I use mgo first time using this stuff thought it was good until now. I just picked up some hydrated lime, is that the same as dolomite lime.


New Member
Are you checking your waters PH?
Thanks. Yes I check the ph however I noticed a problem. After phing the water which i keep in jug to around 6.8 I went back a few days later and it was back to over7.5, Im glad I caught this issue, normally i ph after letting the water bubble for about a day or so, then i use the water till its gone. Now I see that the ph fluctuates and will be keeping an eye on it every couple days.
I flushed yesterday with tap water which is over 7.5 might even be in the 8s because the ph on the run off was coming in under 6.
any suggestions

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Your makeing it too complicated for a beginer,get you a three part fertilizer and good soil and its pretty simple..peace

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Pure blend works fine with FF soil,you dont really need all that junk and thats what is smokeing your plants.My plants wont handle all those nutes..(less is more)


Well-Known Member
I agree your making it way harder than it has to be.

Me I grow in a pro mix, I buy 3 jugs of nutrients, and Im ready to go. I can starve my plants of anything I want at anytime with the twist of a tap....


New Member
The only nutes ive given these plants was a tea mix of bone meal and some blood meal shaken and applied once.
The strength wasnt even qtr strength.
Anyways I bought hydrated lime and applied it today, ill watch it and see what happens.
If it doesnt improve ill scrap these two and put some other plants in the flower cab.
I dont smoke so its not really an issue other than I hate failure!


Well-Known Member
some people do well growing organic and others dont. its not a big deal in my opinion wether the plant is totally organic or not. i promise over 75% of the weed you buy is not organic. as long as you are producing a good product that is safe and effective... than does it really matter? to some yes, and others no. if you are not getting good results with organic than dont give up. just try something else, or do more research. its all a learning expierance, and you will get better with time.. like anything. so good luck and i wish you the best on future grows!


Well-Known Member
sir i recomend you to sit , smoke an l and consider if growing is right for you ... never burn my girls with molasses , not even in hydro cus i just dont put enough to make the water change color... molasses hydro =no bueno... but never in soild ,,, and bat guano , is so beneficial if use correctly , but if you get high and go see your garden and fuck shit up , with out meassuring or testing then yeah hydro is not for you , soild is way more forgiven then any othe method of cultivation so i recomend you to get a dealer... dont hate on organics...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, however I dont understand your advice about not using bone meal for veg or blood meal for flower, after you stated you use bone meal, why:?:
I use mgo first time using this stuff thought it was good until now. I just picked up some hydrated lime, is that the same as dolomite lime.

Hydrated lime is not the same thing as dolomite lime. Its is very alkaline 12-13 where as Dolomite lime is 8-9 ph. If you have to get your ph up in a hurry Hydrated lime will work, although Encap Fast acting lime is better since its not as alkaline and still quick acting.

Overall you're best off finding Dolomite or dolomitic lime. Espoma's Garden lime is dolomitic.

Also some hydrated limes are mostly calcium and little magnesium, so keep that in mind.

If you continue using Hydrated lime, pay close attention to how much you use. The last thing you want to do is give yourself alkaline soil and stunt all your plants. I did that once thinking it was the same as dolomite lime.

One more thing. Hydrated lime leeches out of the soil quickly. 2-3 weeks, so you'll have to reapply it to keep soil ph up.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
In organic soil it is absolutely key to have plenty of inoculated microorganisms such as Mycorrizhae and Trichoderma, as well beneficial microbes and nematodes, otherwise your plants roots break down organic nutrients much slower. The microorganisms convert it in to a usable form faster than your roots can. That is the difference between Hydro and Soil, in Hydro you rely on water soluble nutrients being able to deliver food to the plant via water osmosis, with Organic soil you rely on living organisms to break down the food matter and help feed your plant... hope that helps


Active Member
You're putting bone and blood meal into teas? Never ever seen that. I grow all organic with no issues and have quite a different approach but never any issues, knock on wood. Especially with pH. Try this next go round, I assure you it works.

Amend your soil, preferrably ProMix or FFOF, with 20% EWC and 20% perlite and 2 tbsp of dolomitic lime (the powdered lime, not hydrated). Other soilless mediums you choose to use should be similar to either one of those if not one of them. That is a stable mix and a good start for an organic grow. The catch here is unlike amending the medium with blood, bone, kelp, etc; you will need to provide for the plant through aerated teas.

Here's a good veg recipe for teas, apply it every third watering: 15 mL per gallon of each of the following - Mexican Bat guano, Peruvian Seabird Guano, Earthworm Castings, *5 mL of kelp*, and either blackstrap unsulphured molasses or liquid karma. No need to double up the molasses and liquid karma if you have both, if you do have both use the LK as a foliar every now and again in veg, they'll love it.

* the kelp is the only one you don't use at 15 mL per gal

For flowering, use this tea EVERY watering: 30 mL of Peruvian Seabird Guano, 30 mL High P (jamaican or indo, I use Jamaican first and then switch to Indo later in flowering but one or the other is perfectly fine the entire time), Earthworm Castings, 5-10 mL of Kelp, and the same rates for molasses & liquid karma as the veg recipe.

Using this method there should be no major issues. As far as pH, test your initial water and then from there be assured you should have no pH issues if you've followed the recipes correctly. The humates (from the castings predominantly) buffer pH to allow for nutrient uptake at a variety of pH's. This is at the core of this approach to growing, using the beneficial bacteria and humates to provide for the plant, much like mother nature does and has done for millions of years.

Good luck, hope the grow turns around for ya and see that organics, when done right, can work really well and is easier than bottled ferts.