Ph is too high.. HELP ME PLZ!!!!


Active Member
ok i have some potting soil n mixed some peat moss compost in with it. i added some garden lime which lowered it alittle. today i bought some ph down n added that to the mix. so what now? the ph is reading at 7. is that bad? cuz i dont know what else to do.

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..thx..:peace:


New Member
if your just doing in on the small and you dont do hydro normal soil is ok i found u just need to keep topping u the goodness in it.


Active Member
Relax, pH 7 for soil isn't the end of the world. It's barely a little high. Most stuff out of the bag is 6.6-6.8. Watering and feeding with solutions at appropriate pH levels for soil (6.2-6.6) should help bring the soil down. Flushing it should help too.

Otherwise add some sulfur or organic compost to bring it down. Shouldn't be too bad though so you might just want to wait and see.


Active Member
Relax, pH 7 for soil isn't the end of the world. It's barely a little high. Most stuff out of the bag is 6.6-6.8. Watering and feeding with solutions at appropriate pH levels for soil (6.2-6.6) should help bring the soil down. Flushing it should help too.

Otherwise add some sulfur or organic compost to bring it down. Shouldn't be too bad though so you might just want to wait and see.
thx, i have some sulfur that i added with some organice compost. i mixed it 2gether alittle while ago. i will see how it will be in the morning.. maybe that will help, let it sit for awhile to settle in..:peace: this is my first grow n am worried bout everything, but i am trying to


Active Member
Don't sweat it. Common mistake for first timers is to really sweat the small stuff. It's OK, just puff one and lay back. MJ is a real strong plant and can survive in a variety of conditions so just let the plant do it's thing. Little hiccups along the way are to be expected. Just deal with them as they come.

Good luck bongsmilie


Active Member
Relax, pH 7 for soil isn't the end of the world. It's barely a little high. Most stuff out of the bag is 6.6-6.8. Watering and feeding with solutions at appropriate pH levels for soil (6.2-6.6) should help bring the soil down. Flushing it should help too.

Otherwise add some sulfur or organic compost to bring it down. Shouldn't be too bad though so you might just want to wait and see.
hey friend, how do i flush my babies? just run str8 water thru them?:confused:


Active Member
Don't sweat it. Common mistake for first timers is to really sweat the small stuff. It's OK, just puff one and lay back. MJ is a real strong plant and can survive in a variety of conditions so just let the plant do it's thing. Little hiccups along the way are to be expected. Just deal with them as they come.

Good luck bongsmilie
words of inspiration, i like


Well-Known Member
hey friend, how do i flush my babies? just run str8 water thru them?:confused:

Just use straight water through them. You want to use 3X the water through the pot as the pot size. Eg. for a one gallon pot use three galllons of water and for a 5 gallon pot use 15 gallons. Don't freak about the ph, just relax, like stated before, over time the ph will drop. I grow in soil less (pro-mix bx) and I ph my water to 6.0. It holds really steady for me.


Active Member
Just use straight water through them. You want to use 3X the water through the pot as the pot size. Eg. for a one gallon pot use three galllons of water and for a 5 gallon pot use 15 gallons. Don't freak about the ph, just relax, like stated before, over time the ph will drop. I grow in soil less (pro-mix bx) and I ph my water to 6.0. It holds really steady for me.
they are two weeks old now, should i transplant them into bigger pots then flush with water? i did add some sulfur ph down n that seem to work somewhat.....:neutral:


Well-Known Member
What size pots are they in now? Usually for me I start off in Jiffy pucks to germinate. They I put them into 4" pots. Usually, depending on the plant growth, after 2 to 4 weeks I transplant to 5 gallon containers and that is where they stay. You can also just put them into 3 gallon pots a lot of people do that, I ususally keep the best plant for a mother grow one out and just keep the mom for cloning.

Their are signs to look for. If you notice that your plants are yellowing in the leaves and you can't figure out why it might be you are root bound. It will usually start in the bottom leaves and the soil will not hold water as long. You will usually notice some roots starting to come out of the holes in the bottom of your container. Just remember a pot that is too small will hinder growth and hurt your plant. A pot that is too big just takes up to much room. Becarefull with bigger pots that you don't over water. I had one plant that went from a 4" pot to a 5 gallon pail, I didn't need to water it for 3 weeks. After about three weeks the plant started to really shoot up quick. The roots really developed like crazy. the plant was super healthy, I still have her too. She made a great mom. You just have to really watch your babies, but a little love and they'll do good. If in doubt just transplant it, be careful when doing so and do it just a little before lights out so that they can recover from the transplant overnight. I also wet the soil with hydrothrive in the water to add some vitamin b12 to help with stress.


Active Member
What size pots are they in now? Usually for me I start off in Jiffy pucks to germinate. They I put them into 4" pots. Usually, depending on the plant growth, after 2 to 4 weeks I transplant to 5 gallon containers and that is where they stay. You can also just put them into 3 gallon pots a lot of people do that, I ususally keep the best plant for a mother grow one out and just keep the mom for cloning.

Their are signs to look for. If you notice that your plants are yellowing in the leaves and you can't figure out why it might be you are root bound. It will usually start in the bottom leaves and the soil will not hold water as long. You will usually notice some roots starting to come out of the holes in the bottom of your container. Just remember a pot that is too small will hinder growth and hurt your plant. A pot that is too big just takes up to much room. Becarefull with bigger pots that you don't over water. I had one plant that went from a 4" pot to a 5 gallon pail, I didn't need to water it for 3 weeks. After about three weeks the plant started to really shoot up quick. The roots really developed like crazy. the plant was super healthy, I still have her too. She made a great mom. You just have to really watch your babies, but a little love and they'll do good. If in doubt just transplant it, be careful when doing so and do it just a little before lights out so that they can recover from the transplant overnight. I also wet the soil with hydrothrive in the water to add some vitamin b12 to help with stress.
right now i have them in jiffy peat pots n i noticed that a couple of the plants are starting to yellow, the leaves, do u think its time to transplant them? cuz i dont want my babies to die on me.. they are so special to i was gonna put then in one gallon pots for now cuz thats all i got. i have six plants under a 150w HPS that i just got today. whooohooo...happy bout that...:hump: they are two weeks old today..


Well-Known Member
Lime is more of a pH up than a pH down for us.. It doesn't even depend what kind you have.. Some kinds will top out at pH8-9, others could go over 12 if you add too much..The best pH down is phosphoric acid, especially if you've added lime.. They will react to form excellent pH buffer compounds in the mid 6 range.. This means that pH will resist changing when its proper, but will be easy to change if it does get out of range.. Right now I'm thinking the more you water it, the higher it will get.. I do agree with rasp though, you aren't in any trouble at all, lime is great shit..


Active Member
Lime is more of a pH up than a pH down for us.. It doesn't even depend what kind you have.. Some kinds will top out at pH8-9, others could go over 12 if you add too much..The best pH down is phosphoric acid, especially if you've added lime.. They will react to form excellent pH buffer compounds in the mid 6 range.. This means that pH will resist changing when its proper, but will be easy to change if it does get out of range.. Right now I'm thinking the more you water it, the higher it will get.. I do agree with rasp though, you aren't in any trouble at all, lime is great shit..
the ph in the soil mix is about 7 right now, so i shouldnt worry bout that? cuz i am. i think i added to much lime n thats why it wont go down like it should.. i have some sulfur ph down do u think that will help lower it?:confused:


Well-Known Member
7 Is fine for a soil base grow i know that flushing the plant's is a pain in the neck but do what i do_Once a week i flush my plant during flowering/Once every 2/3 week during the veg period.This will get all the salt build up out of the soil mix.By flushing once a week during the flowering period the plant's will realy thank you for it i call it the greenhouse way because this is what the guys at greenhouse seeds do.Make sure that when you flush the plants that you do it till yhe water runs near on clear let them stand for a hour or so then add about 3 litres of water/feed to each plant if they are in large tubs.By doing this you are not haveing feed that has been made up and left to stand,This will higher the ph even if a fish pump and air stone is added.Put the feed in a bottle fill just short of the top make sure that the ph is bang on if you are gonna grow with a ph of 7 then make sure it is 7 all the time.Or you may suffer from ph fluxtuation shake the bottle for around 5 minutes this will airate the water then poor this 3 litre of feed on to the soil.You will only have to feed once a week by doing this perhaps twice if it has been warm.


Well-Known Member
Really what is more important is the pH of the run-off water in comparison to the input water.. If you water with pH7 water, but the runoff is pH 4.5, then the pH7 water isn't your problem at all..


Well-Known Member
right now i have them in jiffy peat pots n i noticed that a couple of the plants are starting to yellow, the leaves, do u think its time to transplant them? cuz i dont want my babies to die on me.. they are so special to i was gonna put then in one gallon pots for now cuz thats all i got. i have six plants under a 150w HPS that i just got today. whooohooo...happy bout that...:hump: they are two weeks old today..

Yes translpnat them into larger pots and your yellowing leaves will probably go green again in a week or so. They will start to grow like crazy when they can let their roots spread out.