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    they are in the ground, one is 3 feet high the other is maybe 2 feet. just the two of em. the stalker will probably get my ass kicked if i touch him so yeah dont want no trouble lol
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    hey guys, this guy i know found my plants today...i was checkin on them and he followed me the prick. Anyway i wanna safely move them, but dont wanna ruin anything....their a week into flowering... does anyone know how to safely move them without damaging the plants or growth cycle...i know...
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    plants killed

    hey guys, over the last couple of weeks ive noticed some of my outdoor plants to be dead. The stem is snapped about a foot from the ground and the top foot or 2 is left wilting on the ground. So it doesnt look like its eating it but any ideas of what it is? Im definately gonna have to try to...
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    seeds outdoors

    can i plant my seeds directly outdoors after they are germinated. the most i can keep them inside for is like 3 days. also, when i put the seeds in the soil can i leave them in the dark till they sprout, or do they need light while under the soil still? Thanks
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    is it possible for me to put my seeds directly into the ground outside after germination? I cannot grow them inside anymore and some of my others died, but I have a batch germed and ready to go. It generally stays above 15 degrees celcius here now, even overnight.
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    put 4 plants outside...2 on the weekend and 2 today. One of the ones i put out today was doing great, but on the other one half the leaves shrivelled up and are crunchy, but their still deep green. Will this plants survive if these leaves die? what should i do? thanks, Mike
  7. I!?!

    Hey guys, put one of my eight plants outside last nite, in a large pot....when i checked it just now its drooping! prior to putting it out it stood 7 inches, now its drooped down to 6 and the leaves are drooping this just from the transplant/transition from indoor to outdoor? or did...
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    hey guys, once again just letting you know i am in southern ontario....when i put my plants outside do i water them or just let mother nature do her thing? thanks
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    weather question

    so you guys think its ok to put them out now? thats good i want them out asap the way whats a safe and good insecticide for those from canada and where can i get it? i hope it wont harm the weed.....whats polythane? im guessing its plastic or sumtin would it suffice to cover with a...
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    weather question

    hey guys, i live in southern ontario, and really want to put my plants outside this week because they are gettin much to big for my liking in the house. Since i only have 2 lights on 8 plants, they are covering each other with foliage and are not getting as much sunlight as they could...
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    plants doing good...but sexing difficult?!?

    im on an 18/6 schedule indoors since day 1, planning to move them outdoors this weekend. Will this size suffice for outdoors.?
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    plants doing good...but sexing difficult?!?

    Thanks jackinthebox...i took some pics but my camera is a piece of crap so they turned out blurry, even on superfine ill just wait till they get bigger it ok to wait say another month before seperating the males?....what is the latest you can pull the males without ruining...
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    plants doing good...but sexing difficult?!?

    They are almost a month old from seed. I see something between the main stem and the branches.
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    plants doing good...but sexing difficult?!?

    Hey guys, wanted to show you a couple pics of my 8 plants, just to see your opinions. I have a sexing problem too...these were not femenized seeds but it appears they are all female. I could be wrong, maybe they are still not big enough to sex correctly, but they all look like they have...
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    Plant size??

    Hey guy, how big do you think I should let my plants grow to before putting them outside. Right now they are about 4-6 inches high and have 3-5 sets of leaves, including the first two round ones which have died off by now because of coverage from the bigger leaves. Are they ready to go out yet...
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    New here....couple questions.

    herees the pics...sorry i cant do a side view there under 6 inches tall though....the middle ones are like 4-5 inches and the side ones are 3-4.
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    New here....couple questions.

    Hey guys, Wanted to say hi to everyone on the forum...and i got a few questions lol. I had 15 plants to start with...about 4 inches high with 4 leaves each (2 jagged and 2 smooth). I put them outside because i couldnt have them in my house at that was the last week of april....i...