weather question


Active Member
hey guys,

i live in southern ontario, and really want to put my plants outside this week because they are gettin much to big for my liking in the house. Since i only have 2 lights on 8 plants, they are covering each other with foliage and are not getting as much sunlight as they could outside. I need to know if it is safe from frost if i put them out this friday. Also, does anyone know any good websites that tell you the overnight temps for the next week or so, or the chance of frost? the way how big do you usually let your plants grow before transplanting them outside?

Thanks ,



Well-Known Member
you can transplant whenever, the bigger the better because they have a better chance of surviving the transplant, and any local weather website will tell you the temps

the widowman

Well-Known Member
put them out friday check CNN weather or your local weather if theres any threat of frost cover with polytheane. reamember a inseactacide and lots of organic fertilizer


Well-Known Member
I Live in Ontario I put out plants last week. Also this weekend I plan to do some more.
Local weather;
I wait till my clone's are about 6-12 inch tall before transplanting to outdoor gardens.


Active Member
so you guys think its ok to put them out now? thats good i want them out asap the way whats a safe and good insecticide for those from canada and where can i get it? i hope it wont harm the weed.....whats polythane? im guessing its plastic or sumtin would it suffice to cover with a plastic bucket? thanks for the info guys