plants doing good...but sexing difficult?!?


Active Member
Hey guys,

wanted to show you a couple pics of my 8 plants, just to see your opinions. I have a sexing problem too...these were not femenized seeds but it appears they are all female. I could be wrong, maybe they are still not big enough to sex correctly, but they all look like they have pistils and no balls .

Any tips lol



PS - the plant in the last pic is lookin a bit droopy, any way to stop this?...i cut bigger drain holes and its literally and inch from the light bulb. Need to move it outside soon because its gettin too close to the light, which i cant move up, but it looks to weak stem-wise to put outside with winds. Any advice? thanks



Well-Known Member
Yeh its kinda hard to tell from those pictures man, but I dont think it is possible to tell what sex they are yet. If you do think so however, take some pictures of the hairs, not from the top of the plant : ) Thanks and I hope they turn out to be all female : )


Active Member
Thanks jackinthebox...i took some pics but my camera is a piece of crap so they turned out blurry, even on superfine ill just wait till they get bigger it ok to wait say another month before seperating the males?....what is the latest you can pull the males without ruining your chances of gettin bud from the females? also, do you lose all bud if the males are near the females, or is it just reduced?



yeah those things growing out at the nodes are probably just lil branches starting to form and not it reproductive glands... how long have you been on a 12/12 light schedule?


Active Member
im on an 18/6 schedule indoors since day 1, planning to move them outdoors this weekend. Will this size suffice for outdoors.?


Active Member
they plants may experience some shock when you move them outside, but aslong as the conditions arent too extreme they should be fine

watch out for pests like rabbits, cuz they munched a few of mine


make sure the soil is moist in the spot your transplanting to, and be sure not to harm the root ball... and yeah if your not on a 12/12 light cycle yet your not going to be able to tell the sex, and since your throwing the beauties outside for some of that glorious sunlight, that won't happen naturally untill what.. .like june? i don't know, help me out outside growers, but i think its june that plants might start sexing (eh??)