New here....couple questions.


Active Member
Hey guys,

Wanted to say hi to everyone on the forum...and i got a few questions lol. I had 15 plants to start with...about 4 inches high with 4 leaves each (2 jagged and 2 smooth). I put them outside because i couldnt have them in my house at that was the last week of april....i live in ontario. Well...they barely grew...stretched toward the sun and some tipped...and a few died. Well i brought them inside about 2 weeks ago..and with only 8 remaining i wanna make the most of them.

I need to know whens the earliest i can sex a plant without changing its light cycle...i currently have it on an 18 on 6 off cycle. by this point will it be to late to get the females seperate to bud?

also, when is the earlist i can clone the plants without risking too much damage.

and when is the earliest i can put them outside...i was thing may 20 on the long weekend here....and will changing them from an indoor 18/6 light cycle to an outdoor one have any effect on them?

oh and will the stems be too weak to put outside since they have no wind blowing on them inside....i am a small time grower and do not want to invest alot into this....a small light over the 8 plants in a big container of soil lol

i will post pics as soon as my batteries for my cam charges...but until then reponses are greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
do a lot reading fast man, do a lot!

they have been stretched from the start, and did some more after you must have put them into a dark spot outsides... dig the survivors deeper in if you can, or cut them up for cloning if the stretched to much which is hard to judge with out a pic...

basics for inside, get a fan, bunch cfl in 6500K range for the start.;)


Active Member
herees the pics...sorry i cant do a side view there under 6 inches tall though....the middle ones are like 4-5 inches and the side ones are 3-4.

