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  1. P

    When should I transfer my plant into bigger pots

    Hi They are 500 ml cups and yes it is soil I couldn't get any potter soil cause of the lock down but I have made amendments to the soil I am gonna transfer them into to make it loose but I can't do anything about the soil in the cups.
  2. P

    When should I transfer my plant into bigger pots

    Hi I am a beginner and would like to ask when I should transfer my plants to a bigger pot they are 22 days old Thank you
  3. P

    New to growing need guidance

    Thank you
  4. P

    New to growing need guidance

    There is a store near my house but it is closed I live in the urban part of the city so i guess they think it does not come under essential goods.
  5. P

    New to growing need guidance

    Its normal soil and my country is at a complete lockdown and only grocery stores and pharmacies are allowed to operate right now.
  6. P

    New to growing need guidance

    Thank you for sharing the link it is helpful I will try and learn as much as i can from it
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    New to growing need guidance

    Thank you for replying to my question though you didn't give me a solution to the problem you pointed but even so you did tell me what was wrong and I can find out online on how to aerate and loosen my soil, as the forum says its for complete begginers who are new to growing but anyways I...
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    New to growing need guidance

    Thank you
  9. P

    New to growing need guidance

    Thank you I will try my best
  10. P

    New to growing need guidance

    Thank you for your advice I did want to get all the necessary things that would give my plants the best chance to grow like proper lighting, soil etc but as I said right now I cannot get out of my house to get em or even order them online because of everything that is going on. Thank you for...
  11. P

    New to growing need guidance

    Hi I am a newbie to growing weed and I have just gotten my seeds to pop out of the soil I have started them off in plastic cups and I don't have any grow lights and can't get any because of everything that is going on but I make sure they get sunlight as I live in a place that gets a lot of...
  12. P


    Thank you for your answer I already put them in sunlight for couple of hours but have brought them inside now is that going to hurt the seed and its growth?
  13. P


    Hi I am new to growing weed and I just germinated 2 bag seeds using the wet paper towel method and planted them in cups I do not have any grow lights and I can't buy any cause of everything going on but my room is on rooftop which gets a lot of sunlight. My question is can I leave the cups in...
  14. P

    Sunlight for germinated seed

    Hi I am a novice to growing weed but i germinated a couple of bag seeds using the wet paper towel method and then planted them in cups. I don't have any grow lights and I can't go out to buy em right cause of everything going on but my room is on a rooftop and so I get a lot of sunlight so what...