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  1. W

    Finishing on a 150 W HPS

    That’s a great idea.. the on issue I had was the plants with a late start were constantly stretching for light until they got to the height of the older plants 2 weeks ahead, but those concerns are paying dividends now as the late start plants have the potential to dive me a heavy yield. That...
  2. W

    Finishing on a 150 W HPS

    Thank you for your insight. I will finish on this 150 and order a 600... hey what about a 1000 Watt ballast that has 400 and 600 watt settings. Does the the ballast use less power on lower settings?
  3. W

    Finishing on a 150 W HPS

    I have 2 autos left from my run that started late, so yes I am finishing up these 2 plants on a 1k cuz I only have a 150w that I use to start plants
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    Finishing on a 150 W HPS

    Excellent info thank you...visually I’m guessing I have about 200 green grams on each plant right now and of course the buds are not filled out yet. I think that last stretch is over so it’s all bud production from here on
  5. W

    Finishing on a 150 W HPS

    My 1000 watt blast died and I have about 3 weeks left on my 2 Autos until harvest... can I finish my 2 plants on a 150w HPS... what will happen?
  6. W

    Trump, Donald J.

    Wow!!!! looked to me like the dems got schooled today now that the adults get a voice
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    Trump, Donald J.

  8. W

    Trump, Donald J.

    Oh I completely understand he was impeached by a corrupt house . The problem is he was impeached because he has lived up to his promise of draining the sickening swamp of filth In our government. He lacks support because of the mindless drones who are too ignorant to even look at facts. The...
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    Trump, Donald J.

    Nope not stoned... you just proved my point
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    Trump, Donald J.

    Does everyone actually look at the overall success of our country before bashing this president? This man has taken so much grief from the opposition and their followers, I am shocked he wants to even run again. He is the most successful president this county has ever seen. He has gotten more...
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    Bernie Sanders 2020

    The only good thing he has ever done was sit in his basement writing porn novels, and the good he done there was self motivated. Never has has done anything good for others. FACT CHECK THAT!!
  12. W

    Starting my grow

    Thank you for the info. I think I need to do a 24 hr dry run to check any heat issues.
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    Starting my grow

    I do have a 6” exhaust at 435 CFM’s. This room is in that basement with an ambient temp of 68~. A little cooler in the summer. I am drawing air in from the lower 1/3 and exhausting from the ceiling at opposite walls. The cubic feet in the room is 210 the exhaust fan should turn over the air 2x...
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    Starting my grow

    I have the umbrella style hood for my 1000w hps.. I will adjust my in and out vent to accommodate.
  15. W

    Starting my grow

    I will take your advice on the lux app. This forum is awesome. I am starting 2 plants in my new room 5’x6’x 7’ ceiling. I hope not burn my plants with 1000w bulb. Will have 6” exhaust for heat.
  16. W

    Starting my grow

    Gray thank you for the response. Would 24” be too high? Will this method of money savings strategy hurt my total yield. I will be using the low stress training when switching to the 1000W MH
  17. W

    Starting my grow

    I received my seeds today and want to start them under 150W hps for 2 weeks.. then put them under 1000W MH... the seeds are autos and using FFOF with FF nutrients. Is there a lot of objections to starting these under 150 hps? I am new to this so plz help if you can