Trump, Donald J.

They report that in the spring of 2017, Trump implored Rex Tillerson, then secretary of state, to help him jettison the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. “It’s just so unfair that American companies aren’t allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas,” Trump whines to a group of aides. Nearly every line from Trump, in “A Very Stable Genius,” is this venal.

Another example: While visiting Pearl Harbor, according to John F. Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, Trump seemed to have no idea what had actually happened there. Throughout he is misinformed and confused while at the same time utterly certain of himself.
No. I google a gif. The gif comes up. I used to just "copy image" and then paste it and some douche-bag Trump-sucker was soon confronted with it. If I google a gif, I have no idea what the URL is. I doubt if there is an actual URL consisting of just the gif. I could find the URL if it was a jpeg but then they would have to click on it to make Nicholas Cage actually laugh at them and that would diminish the impact.

Aeroknow pasted that very gif the other day like this...

And it worked. That doesn't work for me.
I am not sure if this got answered/asked but when I copy the gif I get two options 'copy image' and 'copy image address', it worked for me using copy image address and pasting that in the 'by URL' slot.
Wow!!!! looked to me like the dems got schooled today now that the adults get a voice

Really is that what you seen today. No wonder Trump Followers are so Fucking Narrow Minded !! It just proved the Democrats Point about what they testified too. So you just take the stuff that supposedly helped them and believe it ? And all the other damaging parts don't count then ? Someone got Schooled today that's for sure.
If you didn't hear the damage Trump has done I really don't know what to say to any Trump Supporters, Because you're not hearing the Truth or it doesn't matter.
Them Republican Senators will not get elected again and hopefully the Democrats will take over the senate next, then we will see what happens if by any chance that maniac gets elected again, he will either be in prison or thrown out of the W.H. then charged will all those crimes which he will end up in Prison.

The best thing Republican's can do now is Throw him out before it costs them their seat.