Trump, Donald J.

Does everyone actually look at the overall success of our country before bashing this president? This man has taken so much grief from the opposition and their followers, I am shocked he wants to even run again. He is the most successful president this county has ever seen. He has gotten more done in his 3 short years than other presidents have accomplished in 8 years. That is with the opposition biting at his heals. Could you imagine if there was bipartisan support. Those Democrats want to see America fall apart. I for one love the economy and living large after not having jobs coming to this country. His foreign policy is unmatched. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT FOR SAVING OUR COUNTRY
Does everyone actually look at the overall success of our country before bashing this president? This man has taken so much grief from the opposition and their followers, I am shocked he wants to even run again. He is the most successful president this county has ever seen. He has gotten more done in his 3 short years than other presidents have accomplished in 8 years. That is with the opposition biting at his heals. Could you imagine if there was bipartisan support. Those Democrats want to see America fall apart. I for one love the economy and living large after not having jobs coming to this country. His foreign policy is unmatched. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT FOR SAVING OUR COUNTRY
Obama's economy added more jobs in his last 3 years than Trump has in his first 3 years.

And that was with Moscow Mitch shutting down everything he tried to do for our country.
What do you think of trump adding Epstein's lawyers to his legal team?

Guess he needed someone who represents real scum, huh?

it's because he's guilty and he can't help himself..his argument:

i'm stopping this post right here. i went to look up what exact charges for Trump were and it came up with this:

Trump was charged with circumventing state law to spend $150,000 lobbying against government approval of plans to construct an Indian-run casino in the Catskills, which would have diminished casino traffic to Trump's casinos in Atlantic City.

surrounded by those in jail and who he fired:
