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  1. stsin

    Is It Really Hard To Get A MMJ Card?

    There are two options, if the doctor is willing to sign and fill out the doctor recomendation for MMJ then use that, but if he's not (not many are), then as long as on his chart notes the doctor writes that marijuana seems to help with his symptoms (in this case pain) he's fine. He'll just...
  2. stsin

    i want to know more about klamath falls

    Well, the OP apparently ended up in Oakland (oregon) so that pretty much answers your question on if they decided to move to KF or not (they never updated it, so it's a fair question honestly, and it's not like this sub forum is grand central station or anything...)
  3. stsin

    Anyone tried growing (low nutrient level!) in a backyard pond?

    It seems the consensus around here (locally) is that it should work, BUT I'll need to flush the pond once with straight water for the last couple of weeks (unless I do extremely weak nutes, then maybe not...) I was hoping there were a few people who were crazy enough to do it to prevent me from...
  4. stsin

    Anyone tried growing (low nutrient level!) in a backyard pond?

    My current (legal) designated garden spot is getting a bit crowded, and shielding the 14 foot tall trees from public view is getting harder, so I'm considering using my backyard water feature / pond (it's ~ 350 gallons with a waterfall to circulate water) if I opt for very light additional...
  5. stsin

    Medford voters in November to vote on growing ban:

    For what it's worth guys, by hiding (at least from family) what you're doing, you're not allowing the (currently) close minded people a chance to see that shockingly, people who use cannabis can be "normal" people too, and not just drug crazed people who are stealing things to get their fix...
  6. stsin

    Medford voters in November to vote on growing ban:

    DOTG: lets you do it online (or check/change your existing registration if you previously registered ages ago). It takes a few weeks, but works quite well IMHO (oregon is one of the better states for voting rights and enpowering...
  7. stsin

    SB 1598 "Micro Canopy" license News and Info

    Sorry, do you mean medical dispensaries, or recreational retail outlets? (they're not technically dispensaries as they're not operating under OHA but rather under the overview of the OLCC) If you mean medical, it's the same reporting system you're already on, and if someone is not using it...
  8. stsin

    SB 1598 "Micro Canopy" license News and Info

    The micro license is for selling to recreational dispensaries (and is part of the OLCC, I've not found it spelled out yet, but I'm also not searching aside from casually). The letter I'm reporting about is one Oregon Health Authority sent out may 4th (mine came yesterday) which is about which...
  9. stsin

    Medford voters in November to vote on growing ban:

    Honestly, if a town can do it, so can a county. I *think* it's illegal to ban growing indoors (outdoor is murkier) so it SHOULD get struct down by the oregon supreme court eventually, however here's hoping we don't need to find out and the good citizens of medford vote down the bans in great...
  10. stsin

    SB 1598 "Micro Canopy" license News and Info

    Hey all, little addendum that's somewhat on topic: as those of you who are registered growers will see, the OHA sent out a note clarifying who needs to setup a reporting account. It boils down to: you need to set up an account if you sell your excess medicine to Medical...
  11. stsin

    Medford voters in November to vote on growing ban:

    Heads up to you southerners: Medford's voters will have at least one and likely two cannabis bans on the November ballot. First will be a ban on outdoor growing (rec and medically), then assuming the city council passes it again, there will be a ban on both indoor and outdoor growing... See the...
  12. stsin


    Dude that's awesome, though why did you move your grow from the last place you used last year? Decided the boulders are easier than the pig waste, or just wanted to go bigger?
  13. stsin

    Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

    Yup, they only tweaked / addressed the maximum mature plants (and of course the possession limits) they're not concerned about clones (yet anyways...)
  14. stsin

    Is It Really Hard To Get A MMJ Card?

    Source? (looking around colorado's various newspapers, and MMJ site doesn't mention anything of the sort. Given how slow government works, that suggests such a thing wouldn't happen for 5+ more years at the earliest... Generally speaking, the people who warn (or rumor) that rec will kill...
  15. stsin

    Is It Really Hard To Get A MMJ Card?

    Fwiw even if they don't recommend you 2 OMMP as long as the chart notes State the qualifying condition (and that marijuana seems to help) you can get your card with that without having to go through a clinic. A lot of doctors cannot refer you because the clinic they work through doesn't allow...
  16. stsin

    Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

    You've got it. Possibly compare reported totals to actual totals, but my money is on raw number of plants being the primary focus (and insure out of sight, etc)
  17. stsin

    Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

    From their FAQ at the moment (this of course might change) Q: Will OHA inspect my grow site if I am a patient and only growing for myself? A: OHA does not have the interest or capacity to inspect the grow sites of patients growing only for themselves. Inspections will be focused on grow sites...
  18. stsin

    Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

    Fwiw unless you grow for someone else there is no inspection requirement, but if you were just going to grow for patients and not yourself it makes sense... If 4 plants total (and 8 ounces per 21+ person in your house) works for you then go you as that's a cheaper option than the $200/yr...
  19. stsin

    And now... Third outdoor grow early start:

    Wow, you really are in/near the gouge! That's a beautiful area, color me jealous. Here we get those sort of gusts at times (usually spring,) but generally sustained isn't over 20MPH. I'm curious how the 13' hoop house with half a cover is going to do. It's blocked by a house on one side...
  20. stsin

    And now... Third outdoor grow early start:

    Woah, *NEVER*? That's amazing man, even in my micro grow (tiny 3 door ikea wardrobe, "big" side for flower, single side for veg) I still used HPS (I want to say 250W, this was in a fairly cool climate with summer highs in the low 80s (no a/c though) and I did fairly insane air exchange...