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  1. siforek

    Nitrogen deficiency or what?

    About a week ago I noticed yellowing in the lower leafs of a few of my plants. Everything indicated it was a nitrogen deficiency which made sense. They were in smaller pots & had only gotten a small dose of FF big bloom & caliMagic up until then so I added a bit of FF big bloom to the next...
  2. siforek

    Soil Mix, how about this?

    I just got the 1.5cf of FFOF I bought from Amazon for $35(I thought that was pricy but you all said it was the best so..), then went to my local Ace garden store to get a few more pots & while discussing with an employee I mentioned how they didnt have FF soil. He responded "yes we do!" &...
  3. siforek

    Soil Mix, how about this?

    You think there's any benefit to mixing it? I wasn't thinking a high %, maybe like 15% or something.. Also I've seen people put a bottom layer of coco, maybe an inch or 2 that drains a bit quicker so the roots at the bottom can get more oxygen if they need it.
  4. siforek

    Soil Mix, how about this?

    It seems there's a few different types of basement mix. My packaging looks different & lists slightly different ingredients than most I've found online. On my bag it says coco based soilless mix. I'm not trying to disagree. If you think it's a good idea to hold on to & cancel my order for FFOF...
  5. siforek

    Auto watering & Nutrients

    I'll be leaving for about 2 weeks for the holidays. I've got a few of these bad boys I can setup to water my plants anyway I'd like, by moisture detection or amount of water every few days. Watering is all sorted, but I'm now to the point where my plants will probably want/need...
  6. siforek

    Soil Mix, how about this?

    Everything I've read online said not to use soil based nutrients with it, like I'd need the light green bottle of FF grow big otherwise it'd end up with too many salts & nutlock
  7. siforek

    Soil Mix, how about this?

    So my babies are getting big & it's time to transplant them to their final homes in 3 gallon short pots. Currently they've just been in some 6" pots with standard BlackGold potting soil. I went to a local shop & they told me not to get FFOF & sent me home with some RoyalGold Basement mix which...
  8. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    Thanks for your feedback. I figure it'll be a lot nicer with more than 1 light like you said to be able to move them around, like maybe lower my Mars300 on 1 side of the tent for the smaller seedlings I just started & have the 450w a bit higher for the bigger ones. The point of the other was to...
  9. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    So my babies are kicking ass! I gave 1/4 nutrients last week & they more than doubled in size. They're still really short 4-5 inches but super bushy. 1 in particular has it's bottom half leafs almost in the dirt except for me moving them so they rest on the side of the pot. I moved my light up a...
  10. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    That's a nice setup dude! I'm just using this camera: which I had laying around since I work for a security company, so by no means am I suggesting it or that there's not better out there for the price but I would...
  11. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    Here's a shot I just took from the live feed inside the tent. I could show a live feed but it's probably not the best idea to post it for anyone to see forever, you never know right? Just the 4 little pots for now :) The little heater is pointed towards the bucket/away from the plants so it...
  12. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    I have the coolest wife ever! Once we move into a house she won't mind it in the garage, we just have very little space right now & doesn't want the tent in our guest room when people come over lol. I'm going to get another light in about a month, for now just the 1 is covering my small pots...
  13. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    Well it's going to be hard enough to explain buying another Mars300 to the Mrs, let alone a 600. I've got my light at about 2 feet right now, should I go a little closer? I just used a camera I had(I work for a security company) the 520-IR & then made sure to disable it's...
  14. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    Thanks man. Yeah I seriously considered the viparspectra, think it was just a bit more expensive. I'm thinking that in a couple weeks another Mars300 would be enough to do 3 decentsized plants.. I also ordered a few Daisy's: & am hoping they get here before xmas so I can not...
  15. siforek

    1st Time Indoor, Kinda..

    So buds are now legal here in Cali. Day after it was official I begged my wife to let me grow a plant, just 1 plant I said.. Well Now a month later I've got a 24x48x60 inch tent with a MarsHydro Mars300(132 true watt) & 4 seedlings cooking up quite nicely. My question is a little different...