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  1. NewGrowth

    What percent of people here still live with their parents? I bet.....................

    All I hear is excuses from people who "can't care for themselves" all day. They usually want me to give them money, a job, ect. I have empathy because I used to be the same way. The real world has kicked my ass so many times I eventually learned to provide for myself. I don't assume to much...
  2. NewGrowth

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    People here who smoke pot but are against the sale of marijuana must be huge hypocrites. Do you really believe cannabis would still exist today if it had no monetary value? Get your head out of your ass and look around, then you might be able to wipe the shit off your lip and learn something. :roll:
  3. NewGrowth

    What percent of people here still live with their parents? I bet.....................

    So you're so stoned that you posted on the thread and don't remember the topic?
  4. NewGrowth

    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Pot smokers getting "high and mighty" :roll: bongsmilie
  5. NewGrowth

    What percent of people here still live with their parents? I bet.....................

    Are you making that assumption because we smoke pot?
  6. NewGrowth

    Growitup Greenhouse 2011

    Kick ass, subscribed
  7. NewGrowth

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    Nice greenhouse cruzer, glad to see you're still pumping out dankness :mrgreen: I'll have to read through your greenhouse thread!
  8. NewGrowth

    I fucked the girl next door and I regret it

    Stop acting like a boy and man up, tends to make things with women a lot easier ;) Besides that women will always bring drama :peace:
  9. NewGrowth

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    I agree with genetics, stuff still smells great don't get me wrong. Just need to grow the same strain under the same light one with and one without co2 enrichment. Then do a BRIX test to check sugar content, a GS screen to compare THC and other cannabaniods would be interesting as well. The only...
  10. NewGrowth

    Medi takes the Under Current RDWC system for a test drive, 6' x 8' Screen of Green.

    I've had my G5 for ten years now, I've upgraded the RAM that's it. Still works great never crashes, does not have the full functionality of a PC but newer macs will run windows too. I'm a simple guy and I like it, because for what I use a computer for it works great.
  11. NewGrowth

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    I agree with people on the monitoring, if the co2 levels are not near constant the plants don't like it. CAP sells a cheap controller for about $250. It's also nice to have a full climate controller so that you can set fail-safes in case temp or humidity get out of control. If my A/C dies the...
  12. NewGrowth

    The Real Scoop on Co2

    Good post, should add that Natural Gas releases less moisture into the air than propane. The flip side is I believe propane produces more co2 per pound. Split units are the best way to go and air cooled hoods are unnecessary with a good A/C and proper air-flow. I tend to agree with dropping co2...
  13. NewGrowth

    Hyperinflation Inevitable for USA

    I assume the dollar will lose status as world reserve currency. As a result the fed will begin the process of monetizing the massive amounts of continually accumulating debt. This will eventually result in hyperinflation. I think it's more likely we will begin the process of converting our...
  14. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Double speak, We're past 1984 remember? The bill removes a refinancing provision and doesn’t count savings during this fiscal year accrued by requiring public employees to pay more for their pensions and health insurance.* But it would still save the state $300 million over the next two...
  15. NewGrowth

    Rollitup "Best of" Quotes

    "dude keep side convos off my page and all negative stuff, I don't need that and I don't want u in my life, u onli live once so relax . . . Yea I have a fork hold up my plant by fuck it why not what is hurting nohing and gives it great support, so yea on a Funni not keep it claen lol . . ." -GP420
  16. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Living wage? Whatever happened to a competitive workplace. I feels fine paying my employees with greater responsibility more money. Why should I pay more for unskilled labor when those jobs only cost my business money? Living wage is a joke so is minimum wage. Do you even understand how much it...
  17. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    After reading your link is looking like close to 10% of the local government workforce could safely be eliminated! I love how you guys put words in our mouth too! I love corporations? What does that even mean? A corporation is a tool for private and public enterprise. I may not agree with all...
  18. NewGrowth

    Bump If You're Baked!

    White widow, strawberry cough, Alaskan ice bump :eyesmoke:
  19. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Jobs? What jobs?
  20. NewGrowth

    chocolate bonsai bush

    Wacky is not around anymore :(