What percent of people here still live with their parents? I bet.....................

it took me 2 tries to get out of my mom's. i made some pretty shitty financial and roomate descisions being so young, but i finally made it at the age of 22. no big deal. i know a few people who unfortunately had to move back in with their parents because of the economy. they're not losers, they just hit a rough patch. it happens sometimes. the younger you are when it happens the less of a safety net you are likely to have. the older you are the more you have to lose so you fall a little harder. it's not easy for anyone to have to move back home. and i think it's nice that some of the posters live with their families. if you have the space to have some privacy, the more the merrier. that's the way it was in the old days and they worked it out ok. i could be wrong but i think that the average 40 year old man in italy still lives at home unless he's married. it's just the culture. it doesn't automatically make someone a loser.

and..........you can't beat Mom's cooking;-)
I don't live at home anymore but I wouldn't mind it if I ended up back there.

Plus, there's a big difference between living with your parents and mooching off your parents.

yes there is.....if you can't contribute $$$ for a time, you can always help around the house, mowing lawn, running arrends, pet sitting etc .And they really do appreciate the safety and/or companionship of someone younger being around, even if it's just watching a ball game or whatnot
So you're so stoned that you posted on the thread and don't remember the topic?

well maybe if you replied 'with a quote' as i am doing i would know what you are talking about, since i have made a few posts on this topic, geezus
and no i am not assuming this because 'we smoke pot', the majority here is probably under 30 yrs old and sometimes (recession) it makes sense to move in/live with your parents
and of course YOU know what a majority is don't you?
You got to move out of your mom's house already, It makes it uncomfortable for her when I'm banging her and your home and she has to try to be quite, or when your out and were doing it in the kitchen and she's worried your going to walk in the door.
You got to move out of your mom's house already, It makes it uncomfortable for her when I'm banging her and your home and she has to try to be quite, or when your out and were doing it in the kitchen and she's worried your going to walk in the door.

that's nice, now get to bed, adults are talking........
well maybe if you replied 'with a quote' as i am doing i would know what you are talking about, since i have made a few posts on this topic, geezus
and no i am not assuming this because 'we smoke pot', the majority here is probably under 30 yrs old and sometimes (recession) it makes sense to move in/live with your parents
and of course YOU know what a majority is don't you?

All I hear is excuses from people who "can't care for themselves" all day. They usually want me to give them money, a job, ect. I have empathy because I used to be the same way. The real world has kicked my ass so many times I eventually learned to provide for myself.
I don't assume to much about this site there is a HUGE range of members on this site; old, young, rich, poor.
Also so that you know we are in a depression not a recession. This means more people will lose their jobs and have to take responsibility for themselves. It will probably result in a lot of families living together. Most likely, considering the state of our citizenry people will riot, loot, and kill each other. Americans lack the "skills of poverty" (cooking, cleaning, gardening, ect).
I've been homeless and now I own several successful business' what changed? My mind.:peace:
All I hear is excuses from people who "can't care for themselves" all day. They usually want me to give them money, a job, ect. I have empathy because I used to be the same way. The real world has kicked my ass so many times I eventually learned to provide for myself.
I don't assume to much about this site there is a HUGE range of members on this site; old, young, rich, poor.
Also so that you know we are in a depression not a recession. This means more people will lose their jobs and have to take responsibility for themselves. It will probably result in a lot of families living together. Most likely, considering the state of our citizenry people will riot, loot, and kill each other. Americans lack the "skills of poverty" (cooking, cleaning, gardening, ect).
I've been homeless and now I own several successful business' what changed? My mind.:peace:

my point exactlly
i'm 24 and live at home with my parents. i'm not a mooch- i do work to afford the things I can afford, but holding a job seems nearly impossible. so i occupy my time doing things that are productive in some manner or another (gardening, constantly looking for home renovation work, etc). live on my own to BARELY be able to afford the necessities (car, housing, food, gas?). no thanks... i'll wait till i see real opportunity to advance my standard of living
i'm 24 and live at home with my parents. i'm not a mooch- i do work to afford the things I can afford, but holding a job seems nearly impossible. so i occupy my time doing things that are productive in some manner or another (gardening, constantly looking for home renovation work, etc). live on my own to BARELY be able to afford the necessities (car, housing, food, gas?). no thanks... i'll wait till i see real opportunity to advance my standard of living

AND ,Really , thats all they can ask
thanks for the support. i feel like a major loser sometimes, but my dad (fortunately for me) makes enough money that I don't necessarily have to worry about anything (food, housing, etc)...still, I want to feel independence, i want to be able to show a girl that I'm my own man & I handle my own...it's hard to do that with girls my age who have high expectations. At least I still manage to wow the younger girls who see me as "older, more mature...and attractive" regardless.

so my dad's supportive (he just wants to see effort in SOME form, most days of the week) but my mom is a housewife who hasn't had a job in 30 years thanks to the success of my dad. SHE is completely out of the loop...she gets her political "views" from "the view"...she's in fantasy la-la-land, and therefore shows less empathy. so i told her we'd make a dual-challenge to find a job...and when she failed to find work, she shut her trap quickly lol
thanks for the support. i feel like a major loser sometimes, but my dad (fortunately for me) makes enough money that I don't necessarily have to worry about anything (food, housing, etc)...still, I want to feel independence, i want to be able to show a girl that I'm my own man & I handle my own...it's hard to do that with girls my age who have high expectations. At least I still manage to wow the younger girls who see me as "older, more mature...and attractive" regardless.

so my dad's supportive (he just wants to see effort in SOME form, most days of the week) but my mom is a housewife who hasn't had a job in 30 years thanks to the success of my dad. SHE is completely out of the loop...she gets her political "views" from "the view"...she's in fantasy la-la-land, and therefore shows less empathy. so i told her we'd make a dual-challenge to find a job...and when she failed to find work, she shut her trap quickly lol

first off, if you contribute in some way, then you are not a loser. people have been living with their parents forever, just don't become a burden. there is always things that you can do to help out that don't cost money. just make an effort, good luck
fuck no i do not live with my parents, they drive me nuts and i couldn't want to get out of their house. i live thousands of miles away from my parents ;)

i do agree that it is very ahrd to get out of your parents house these days. the job market stinks and jobs don't pay enoug for people to pay off their debts and pay for rent especially single people. living with roommates kind of sucks too. i wonder if in like 30 years people will live at home till they are 40+ hahahha. i am thankful that i don't want children, thankful for me but also thankful for them because life aint getting any easier for the younger generation.
2 weeks after my 16th birthday i jumped out a second story window-

and hit the fuckin ground runnin. i slept in the woods, in my car, hell, on your couch.LOL.

wouldn't trade it for the world. it gave me CHARACTER.

my kids are 5 and 11. i tell them every day.
