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  1. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    But the mycelium is submerged in the liquid. Does it draw from dissolved oxygen? If so, will a failure to agitate it slow growth?
  2. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Where does anyone suppose the mycelium in a liquid culture get its oxygen?
  3. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Yeah, 10, not 5. And it also says you shouldn't "saturate" surfaces so I really don't know. Also, it's different for different things... but most of them are bacteria and not spores. So I really have no idea of how good it is for what we do. I use the lysol wipes in order to feel good...
  4. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    I use lysol to collect airborne spores and carry them down to the floor. There used to be oil dispersal units that did that continually with a mist of thin oil.
  5. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Yep, we continue to learn.
  6. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    We all learn as we go.
  7. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    This is the result of liquid culture using straw steep and yeast extract
  8. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Not necessarily. Alcohol is not very good against mold spores. It evaporates too quickly as does lysol. Read the label, the surface needs to be wet for over five minutes in order for it to work at all. I've tried everything from industrial stuff to lab grade. Double strength bleach...
  9. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    It means that the last time you agitated the jar some mycelium caught a bubble and was lifted to the surface. It gets more air up there so it grows faster. Unless it turns a color other than white it's not contamination. Taking everything apart and cleaning it all is a good idea but unless...
  10. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Higher temp and pressure would help is after all a bomb, one of my cookers blew an over pressure release port and it was pretty scary. My wife might have been badly scalded had she checked on the thing just a few minutes earlier. A hell of a lot of water collected and dripped from...
  11. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    First off, you should never allow contamination to reach that level of coverage. You have seen enough trich (or penicillin, can't tell which from the pic) to be able to identify it before it sporulates. Second, you need to figure out if that is purely surface contamination or if it...
  12. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Looks like your casing.
  13. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    You can put a sheet of paper on the substrate and check for drops of water if you don't see them directly on the top. Seriously, this condensation has been the source of many of my contam problems.
  14. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Why? I think they are ugly and the mental effects include agitation, a sort of darkness and even a little confusion. In my opinion the slight difference in potency is not worth the lack of clarity.
  15. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    The one im working on exhibits whispy mycelium, often only a single hyphae high, others are Grey, some an off yellow, some are cotton, some are cream colored and very very fine.
  16. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Ok, you can pick them any time, they don't really get "ripe". If you pick them small they will be more potent. I suggest you pick them just before or after the veil breaks but that is just to avoid the purple mess. If you enjoy the way they look and many of us do, wait till the caps are...
  17. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Oh, I am working on a species that has a HUGE diversity of characteristics in the mycelium itself. I acquired only a small dot of spores. I have been isolating various sectors and each, when isolated has radically different characteristics than the others. I can't wait to fruit it.
  18. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    I can't see a reason for the mix. Other than that it might be good to check on speed of colonization for each. What exactly is in the wbs?was? BTW, good on you for attempting to refine your procedures and understanding of the process and the organism. The more you can see the environment...
  19. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Looks great. How do you agitate it and how often? What's your formula?
  20. canndo

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Ok, lower temperatures do nothing but restart growth. This species doesn't much mind temps even in the 60's. HOWEVER. condensation from cycles of high and low temps can actually move any contam spores from horizontal surfaces onto your grow. If there are spores anywhere that can eventually...