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  1. B

    Ro water

    That sounds like a crazy process... got any docs for easy setups? I'm doing hydro. I'm growing in coco and straight in water
  2. B

    Ro water

    Thanks for all the replies... what I'm curious about is how to figure out what's in the water? Do you just go to government site and trust thier word or is there an at home test or something? Think for now I'll do the mixing to lower ec. Thanks everyone
  3. B

    Ro water

    Just need some tips on cheap water I know it sounds dumb but I got through about a gallon of water a day feeding all my girls. At 1 dollar a day that adds up. Any ideas on a cheaper solution? Maybe buying a good filter or something? My water is suuuper hard sitting at .65ec out the tap so it's...
  4. B

    White patches on seedling

    Thanks for the tip but can you explain why? All the research I've done so far on the subject seems to indicate that as long as the heat from the light source is not hurting the plant you can pump as much rays as you want at them. Any docs on the subject would be appreciated as well thanks
  5. B

    White patches on seedling

    Yup 100 percent on both... I have 2 as I have other plants
  6. B

    White patches on seedling

    Yes cup is clear to see root progression... I keep them in red solos as a sleeve. Yes has drain holes drilled on them. I'll start giving nutes asap
  7. B

    White patches on seedling

    I treated the coco with cal/mag for the ionization issue with coco but other than that no nutes. I'll start giving her a small bit of nutes and see how she goes... I did just move her like 20 inches closer to the light the 2 nights before maybe I'll move back down. What is pm?
  8. B

    White patches on seedling

    Spider 1000 and its like 32 inches or so
  9. B

    White patches on seedling

    Growing in coco with ph tap water at 5.6 - 5.9 with no nutes. Tap water is super hard right now at .65 uc. She popped about 4 days ago and was doing great and this morning woke up to see her with big white patches on both leaves. All reading I've done suggests she doesn't need nutes yet. So...
  10. B

    Yellowing in seedling

    Not exactly sure what that means or how to do it? Can you explain or provide any docs on this please?
  11. B

    Yellowing in seedling

    I have not seen roots pop through bottom of cup yet but there's a good inch of clay pellets in between the rockwell and outside of growing cup
  12. B

    Yellowing in seedling

    I've been growing in coco successfully for a while this is my first pure hydro grow
  13. B

    Yellowing in seedling

    Hi everyone baby is about a week old or so and I am growing hydroponicly in a 5 gallon bucket with two bubblers with seedling in rockwell. I was researching and everywhere I see to not start giving nutes until cotelydon leaves start to yellow. Have been following this and have 5 gallon bucket...
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    How did you add it? I'm seeing to add it first and to add it separate so I'm a bit confused. If your adding it first how long do you need to wait before adding nutes? Or do yoy just ph it and then add nutes?
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    I agree I was trying it because I saw it helped the plant but I didn't have any weak plant issues before so maybe your right its more hassle than it worth... removed it from nute solution and gave plants new solution... hope the recover soon
  16. B


    Thank you "silica precipitation" was the term I was looking for. Been searching for this and not a single article called it this until I specifically searched for it... thanks again
  17. B


    Oh man!!! Ok this I thinkay be my problem... until today I didnt know you had to put in silica first... does anyone have any info on why this is? Someone said it binds with the other nutes? Well why does this happen if you add it after and not before? Any docs I can read this?
  18. B


    No not a deficiency in silica but the fact that I'm adding in the silica is causing other nutrients to be locked out. I have seen several vids that talk about this and articles but none that I cam find explain why or exactly how to properly use it
  19. B


    Ok so been troubleshooting this issue for a while. First thought this was over watering issue then noticed there were tons of bugs beneath the surface that appeared to be root aphids... ran captain jacks through them and still waiting for this to take effect. My older girls are almost...
  20. B

    Coco and overwatering

    Yea the plants looked like shit... they were on their first set of leaves so they didn't even need nuted yet and already those first set of leaves were wilting and browning. I can see thousands of teeny tiny little white guys with what appears to be wings... I've tried to research what bug this...