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  1. H

    Rc Help For Those That Are New To The World of Research

    4acodmt, doc, dpt, demorphin (too expensive probably), 2ci, 2ce, a variety of tryptamines such as 4hodpt, definitely some etizolam, and I am sure there are others I don't feel like typing out lol. Seriously, It took me a little while years ago to find out what was what. Once I did, BOOM, I was...
  2. H

    Amanita Muscaria. Experiences?

    Apparently they're more intense than cubensis if used correctly. I think you have to brew them to activate the ingredients, and something else.. I need to try it..
  3. H

    TRIPPED NUTS ON LSD + insane amount of other chemicals lol

    I'm gonna take a good pi strip, without the decimal point of course.. 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197.. That's all I know off the top of my head lol
  4. H

    Altered States - time to watch

    Damn, the protagonist is very similar to me in many ways. This movie's fucking awesome.
  5. H

    Altered States - time to watch

    Smoke session commence.
  6. H

    My big problem with LSD !

    Thank god I don't drink. I go on insane binges and usually don't have terrible hangovers.. Or maybe I just don't notice them anymore.. But there are times.. Not usually.
  7. H

    "Why Prescription Ecstasy or LSD Could Happen Much Sooner Than You Think"

    Another more recent study:
  8. H

    "Why Prescription Ecstasy or LSD Could Happen Much Sooner Than You Think" [SIZE=2] Yes, Cannabis was rated 7 places above MDMA.
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    "Why Prescription Ecstasy or LSD Could Happen Much Sooner Than You Think"

    I'm pretty sure that was the MDMA rumor, actually I know for a fact it was. A team of scientists took MDMA and listed it in a category from most harmful to least harmful, let me find it. It was awesome. The reason that rumor got started was because of a supposed CT scan on someone's head that...
  10. H

    This is not quite on topic but I have to ask - trips on pot.

    It fucked up the density in my cannabinoid receptors. One time I took ritalin and smoked a shit ton of jwh. I fucking thought I was dying. I checked my HR, I thought it was 250 (I was timesing by 10 instead of 6, im great at math, I was so insanely high) I called my gf fucking panicking. it was...
  11. H

    suboxone value

    Oxymorphone, those are the bestttttt
  12. H

    suboxone value

    I live here. It used to be cheap as fuck. Then they started shutting them all down recently, now EVERYONE is the same price.. Usually not even price breaks unless you know them well. They gotta feed their habit too
  13. H

    This is not quite on topic but I have to ask - trips on pot.

    That fucking happens to me a lot. Ever since I used to have a mega tolerance and couldnt feel weed because I smoked it everyday all day, so i switched to pure jwh 018 powder.. Holy shit. Would smoke 100's of mgs in one hit. Knock me out in minutes it would. I fucking was in pain when I quit for...
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    suboxone value

    Then again, I live in S florida. Oxys are 20 bucks lol at least 15.
  15. H

    suboxone value

    You did it sublingually right?
  16. H

    suboxone value

    are you guys serious
  17. H


    I'm ordering MAOIS for the DPT and DMT ;)
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    *smokes 500mg*
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    I should have at least 5g of DMT in a week. Imagine me then ;)