This is not quite on topic but I have to ask - trips on pot.


Well-Known Member
I don't know where else to put this and I am ever so curious and frankly I am more at home here than in many of the other topics, so here goes.

I am not a big fan of pot, I use it to sleep and to enhance my reading and movie going. I like having it available for friends and I love the lore, the culture and the people.

But,On three different occasions I have had major hallucinogenic, sorts of experiences on plain old pot. Let me describe them to you and perhaps you all can comment.

The first was in about 1974. It must have been as earth shattering as I make it out to be if I can remember so long ago. The smoke was unremarkable, I had about half a joint with a friend and that friend dissapeared and left me to myself. About 15 minutes after I smoked it I began to get vivid oevs, very tiny, never in my direct field of vision but only on my periferals, they were clear enough to have me darting my eyes around to see what was going on.
soon thereafter I began to see cartoon animals in two dimesion on the walls and ceiling. The colors were extraordinarily brilliant. I saw trains and cars, all of them from toontown. I was looking straight at them and they moved and gave off smoke in cartoonish bubbles. This all lasted about 45 minutes and within an hour I fell asleep.
No, this stuff was not laced with anything, I'm pretty good at figureing that out.
No, I had not had any other chemical for several weeks.

so what happened?

A few years later I was treated to some pot from Africa, I have mentioned it on this site. It was almost black and greasy. I doubt I had more than 3 tokes and within a few minutes I could not tell up from down. Quite literaly I had lost my sense of gravity. I then began to get dark irregular shapes impinging on my field of vision that became more intense and actually began to make seeing difficult. After a time the shapes took on human form, they had eyes and mouths and were a bit unpleasant. This went away after a few hours. In this instance I was with others and not one of them would discuss the high either during or after. I got just a bit paranoid when they all refused to talk about it. I wound up buying some of it but I never dared to smoke it again. Some of the folks I was with are heroic smokers and even they would not smoke this stuff strait.

Finally, I actually got trails from some mexican sense. this was some of the most electric smoke I have ever had but it took me to places reserved for low dose acid trips, trails, breathing walls, patterns in the grass and the floor. This lasted about an hour and a half and then turned into a pretty normal, slightly dopey high.

So am I alone here?
ive heard sum people i know have had similar experiences but i havent. i wouldnt mind very much though. talk about getting more bang for your buck. i want to try sum of that african bud you mentioned. sounds nice.
Mini stroke...

Just kidding! I used to hallucinate regularly every time I smoked. I would see, hear, and feel sensations that I should not have experienced! It... was..... AWESOME!!! I wish I could get that high again.

As for the spots in your peripheral vision.... Were you coughing before, or did you take several hits in a row? Maybe a lack of oxygen could have caused it. But then you see these animals on the wall?? Idk what the hell thats from :)
The second time I smoked weed my friend's step brother's alarm clock was going off and I thought it was a bomb, but I was too stoned to care lmao
I have seen shapes of various colors floating about in my field of vision. They looked like flat and translucent triangles. This has happened several times and only when I am stationary. I forgot what I was smoking those times haha but I usually go into my mind after that where it gets even better if I keep my eyes closed.
That still happens to me. If I take even a weeks break I trip balls the next time I smoke. I don't know what it is, its been that way my whole life. But whenever it does happen, its not that fun. I get MEGA paranoid and think everyone hates me. And if I'm alone, I don't even know anything, I just lay down and have mindblowing tripping epiphanies
That still happens to me. If I take even a weeks break I trip balls the next time I smoke. I don't know what it is, its been that way my whole life. But whenever it does happen, its not that fun. I get MEGA paranoid and think everyone hates me. And if I'm alone, I don't even know anything, I just lay down and have mindblowing tripping epiphanies
That fucking happens to me a lot. Ever since I used to have a mega tolerance and couldnt feel weed because I smoked it everyday all day, so i switched to pure jwh 018 powder.. Holy shit. Would smoke 100's of mgs in one hit. Knock me out in minutes it would. I fucking was in pain when I quit for a long time, was depressed, and all this bullshit. Didn't smoke weed for 3 months, I smoke it, I get so paranoid, I fucking flip my shit. I am twitcing and have serious leg tremors, my thoughts were BOOMING through my head. Felt like I took the strongest non visual psych ever, such a mental high I was fucking scared. It happened a lot, slowly it's getting better. It wasn't euphoric either. Just mind-numbingly chaotic.
Damn that's a lot of Jwh! Any chance you took your heart rate and blood pressure during one of those sessions? 15mg and I get a headache in my eyebrow region. I think it has to do with blood pressure, although I didn't measure it.
Damn that's a lot of Jwh! Any chance you took your heart rate and blood pressure during one of those sessions? 15mg and I get a headache in my eyebrow region. I think it has to do with blood pressure, although I didn't measure it.
It fucked up the density in my cannabinoid receptors. One time I took ritalin and smoked a shit ton of jwh. I fucking thought I was dying. I checked my HR, I thought it was 250 (I was timesing by 10 instead of 6, im great at math, I was so insanely high) I called my gf fucking panicking. it was at least 160 though. I couldnt even count it at the peak, maybe higher. Fucking gay.
that african bud you smoked sounds like the mythical african black that i've heard a few people speak of ... i've heard it hardly even looks like pot, and tastes like poo, but a few good tokes on it and you're into lala land for sure.. i think it's dj short who wrote about his experiences with it.. it's super rare, and supposed to be all that and then some..
this is what dj short has to say about the african black...

Black Magic African
This herb is the strongest ever. Although I have only smoked the Black Magic a very limited number of times, and I've never had more than a joint of my own, I feel it needs mention. I did once get to see a bag of this herb that belonged to someone else. It looked like rotted, black leaf, some leaves intact but crumpled, plus a powdery black shake. It had no particular odor other than sweet spicy moldy hay, and rolled best into thin pinjoints.

The smoke was slightly harsh, but with a very deep, rich flavor. I also recall that it produced lots of white smoke. Anyhow, this stuff was dangerous! I often questioned if it was truly pure herb. I have, however, sampled the same product from different sources at different times, all with the same story.

It was equatorial Black African, the supposed herb of some tribe, Pygmy group, or another equally incredible origin! It was likely an indigenous Central African herb. One pinjoint between three or four people was more than adequate. This was truly the most devastating and consciously inebriating herb I have ever smoked.

I do not recall ever passing out or losing consciousness, but I did have to let go in order to come back . This stuff alone could cause one to reach 3.5 pluses on the Shulgin psychedelic rating scale!

I never was able to acquire seeds from the Black African, though I have tried. It is one of the few indigenous strains that I am interested in working with.
We got a "roll", it was about two and a half ounces, maybe a bit more in a very large cigar shape tightly bound in a very foreign looking leaf, it stuck togehter quite easily even when unwrapped. They said it was a bananna leaf but it was not, it had a styrofoam sort of inner membrane and a very waxy outer one - vivid green on the outside and a pastel green on the inside. It was wrapped in some sort of plant threads, posiibly hemp but I couldn't be sure. Yes, it was stemmy, yes it did remind me of a dark muddy hay.; I am afraid I don't remember the taste or the color of the smoke. The people I offered it to would smoke genuine tai stick (yes, the real thing, it was that long ago), all day. They refused to smoke this stuff straight and would "cut" it with their tai. As I said, I only smoked it the one time but I sort of used this stuff as a conversation piece/weapon. It lasted about a year. I could never get it again and I was alloted only that ounce and a quarter or so. They called it "Chamba".
Mini stroke...

Just kidding! I used to hallucinate regularly every time I smoked. I would see, hear, and feel sensations that I should not have experienced! It... was..... AWESOME!!! I wish I could get that high again.

As for the spots in your peripheral vision.... Were you coughing before, or did you take several hits in a row? Maybe a lack of oxygen could have caused it. But then you see these animals on the wall?? Idk what the hell thats from :)

i used to sit next to myself for a brief moment but that was when i started smoking and im happy with it making me just feel good
I still can "trip" on weed but the problem is it slows you down a lot as its effect so your mind is kinda tired when your tripping. Things like LSD have a much better ratio of being trippy/having clarity of mind.

I don`t really get hold of Sativa though so I may be talking shit :D

The classic for me with weed was sorta travelling through a tunnel with visuals around

I heard the synthetic cannabis is very trippy though :)