suboxone value

Not sure, but I took a whole orange one that my friend got from his junkie friend, and I wanted to fucking die! I was sick the entire next day...
With oxys so easy to get, why would anyone want suboxone lol?
maybe to a heroin addict who's trying to get clean, other than that, i don't really see how it would have much of a street value being as it doesn't get you high at all..
I used to buy em for 8 bucks each when I was trying to get off oxys. Others were paying up to 10 each. The withdrawals from those were worse than oxys by the way (I jumed off at a high dose, though 16 mg/day.). I should have just quit the oxy instead of switching...... but it doesn't matter now because I've been opiate free for a looooooong time. Good luck with that junk......
nigga I'd buy them from you for 20 bucks each, no joke. On the street. I do. I love suboxone. Better than oxy. I do a whole 8 mg and potentiate it, feels quite nicely with weed. Knocks me the fuck out :D Feels sooo good
Then again, I live in S florida. Oxys are 20 bucks lol at least 15.
They are cheaper in south florida than north florida. Everyone here goes down there to get them cheaper. More corrupt doctors and stuff. Florida is pill nation....... Don't know how I got out of that circle.
My bro lives in south Florida... he's never touched a pain killer. That's probably a good thing!
They are cheaper in south florida than north florida. Everyone here goes down there to get them cheaper. More corrupt doctors and stuff. Florida is pill nation....... Don't know how I got out of that circle.
I live here. It used to be cheap as fuck. Then they started shutting them all down recently, now EVERYONE is the same price.. Usually not even price breaks unless you know them well. They gotta feed their habit too
oh that sucks. I remember hearing about all that happening. I was already clean from them, though. Everyone here does Roxies.... those suckers are like 20-25 bucks a piece for the 30 mgs now. When I was doing them, they were like 15 bucks, and I was getting them for 10. So every 3 I sold, I snorted one and still got 5 bucks. Ahhh, those were the days..... until I started snorting 30 a day.
They are cheaper in south florida than north florida. Everyone here goes down there to get them cheaper. More corrupt doctors and stuff. Florida is pill nation....... Don't know how I got out of that circle.
thats crazy because if u get caught selling just 1 vic there is a manditory minimum of 20 years. seems like people would be scared to deal in fl
oh that sucks. I remember hearing about all that happening. I was already clean from them, though. Everyone here does Roxies.... those suckers are like 20-25 bucks a piece for the 30 mgs now. When I was doing them, they were like 15 bucks, and I was getting them for 10. So every 3 I sold, I snorted one and still got 5 bucks. Ahhh, those were the days..... until I started snorting 30 a day.
roxy? what is that? is it like an opana
In my area, suboxone and subutex get around $20/ea on the streets. They're ridiculously expensive even if you have a prescription. Someone close to me just paid ~$800 for a small bottle of the sub lingual strips.

Roxicodone is just a generic oxycodone.
yeah i took half a orange, heavily under the influence and blacked out and trashed a gas station at 3 in the morning demanding beer. sick as a dog the next day, never again.
Wow, I stand corrected lol. I suppose I've only ever seen one actual 'junkie' but I suspect some friends are closet junkies
Wish sub's did that for me. They just make me feel right. No shivering, no bone chills, no hot flashes.
:( addiction doesn't sound like much fun... it disgusts me how accessible pain killers have become. The only prescription that we were taught in Dare were barbituates.