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  1. Urca


    oh shit you look like a mexican robert downey jr. I never pictured it
  2. Urca


    Since most people know what I look like, here's one of my favorite images
  3. Urca

    What are you doing tonight?

    last night i had gotten a new tattoo and then really high. and about the weather, we're having seriously heavy downpour. A little flooding in parts of town
  4. Urca

    Suicide dilemma

    the dr. only a dr should euthanize. it should be heavily regulated.
  5. Urca

    Suicide dilemma

    Not at all tricky. Have to look at it from 2 points of view. As a consequentionalist, and as a deontologist (focuses on intent). consequentially, all signs favor the morality of euthanasia. the money saved, the pain and suffering saved, and the long term emotional benefits on the family are all...
  6. Urca

    Suicide dilemma

    This is so weird, I just finished my term paper on Euthanasia. Id go yes
  7. Urca

    What "normal" food repulses you?

    mayo, ketchup, mustard, onions, whole tomatoes, celery, olives, cabbage, passion fruit, papaya, guava, carrots that arent cooked right, brussel sprouts, sour cream, onion dip, guacamole, any type of salad dressing, hate sushi, liver, mushrooms, lobster um... alot more. goddamn im so picky. no...
  8. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    thats what it looked like in high school, and it looked like that but longer up until a few hours ago. take that hair, but then make it long enough to go to my hips
  9. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    haha its just a bad picture. hold on.
  10. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    I went in there with long hair, came out with super short hair.
  11. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    i havent sent it in yet. so where would be better to send it to?
  12. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    that is how much hair i donated, cut off another two or so inches, then layered it.
  13. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    I donated the hair I cut off to locks of love
  14. Urca

    Haircut :)`

    So I used to have long hair all the way down to my hips... but now, I have really short hair and I love it. Just did it about an hour ago. its kind of liberating. Being a girl, we're expected to have long hair... everyone always called me pretty for my long hair... but now i feel freer, in a way
  15. Urca

    all in favor of letting the turkey live!

    Fuck the turkey, gonna throw it onto some rail road tracks. I dont need the drumsticks!
  16. Urca

    If RIU had a convention, would you go?

    well consider this. we gave you a hell of alot of donations for a new chair, because your dumbass cant be trusted to stay off of railroad tracks. we watched as your struggled with basic english and math, you know, even though you got to college somehow? And even when your diaper wearing, "I only...
  17. Urca

    If RIU had a convention, would you go?

    that lady marmalade song is supposed to have french in it... murdered it. I problably wouldnt go because I wouldnt be wanted there
  18. Urca

    Oh snap! Famous people you've met thread!

    haha I am 19. I met him at work. Came in to speak for the candidate I was working for
  19. Urca

    Oh snap! Famous people you've met thread!

    met mc hammer.
  20. Urca


    btw I love your avi carne