all in favor of letting the turkey live!


Well-Known Member
i was never into thanksgiving because i went south after that. it wieghs on my conscience to even accept invitations to stuff like this.
An “anti-Thanksgiving potluck” planned for Monday night is stirring controversy on the University of Virginia (UVA) campus.

The event, hosted by the American Indian Student Union (AISU), aims to “discuss Thanksgiving from a Native American perspective” over a potluck dinner.
Students at the University of Virginia are holding an ‘anti-Thanksgiving’ potluck on Monday night.

The anti-Thanksgiving celebration will provide a “contrast…with the typical American view of Thanksgiving,” AISU president Katelyn Krause promised an NBC affiliate.

Krause declined an interview with Campus Reform.

Nicole Bailey, Executive-in-Chief of the conservative newspaper, The Virginia Advocate, however, told Campus Reform that she understands the intent of the group’s potluck, but disagrees with this particular event as a means to convey their message.
Fuck the turkey, gonna throw it onto some rail road tracks. I dont need the drumsticks!
i'm confused, is this thread anti thanksgiving, anti turkey, or just satirical?either way i'm pro turkey, pro thanksgiving, and pro satire!
As a joke we don't call it Thanksgiving. We call it biligaana day. Biligaana means, "those who take without asking." But we still celebrate the shit out of it.
I love turkey, dressing, mashed taters and gravy. Personally I hate the white meat, too dry and tasteless. Give me the thighs, wings, drumsticks and back.
The luck in potluck comes from you're lucky as fuck if you go to one and don't get sick from some half assed dish someone drops off.
i like the turkey same way i likes da bitches... two thighs in my hand and a breast in my mouth.. holla at ur boy