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  1. I

    LED lighting and deficiencies

    I am running 3.25g Jacks 5-12-26, 2.4g Calcium Nitrate, 1/2 teaspoon Magnesium Nitrate, and 2.5 ml Thrive Alive B-1 per gallon with PH at 5.8. Here are three different strains that I started cloning 20 days before this picture.
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    In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

    24 inches. Room to look over plants, work on plants, and not have to raise the lights everyday as the plants grow.
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    DIY Samsung LM561C build

    He didnt reply well to me while I was waiting either. He did but it took time for him to do that a few times. Wish you luck.
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    DIY Samsung LM561C build

    I have ordered from Roget. It was about $1,500 in all. It took a while because the tolerences were very tight for the diode placement. He could not use his pick and place machine to place the diodes with out the diodes falling off the strip. So he had to hand place over 20,000 diodes. It...
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    Geyapex LM-P4 Unboxing and Under the Hood

    The brown and blue wire coming from your driver connect to a red and black wire with a quick splice. On the red and black side the insulation has been stripped to far back and leaves the wire exposed. You need to cover the exposed wire or cut the wire back to the correct length. If this comes...
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    4 ft 70 w samsung custom aluminum pcb strips

    You would need 2 relays. The first one is set to 8 and 16 hours. The 16 hour side is followed by a second relay also to 8 and 16 hours. The second relay set to 16 hours would use the 8 hours that the first relay is on plus half of the 16 hours the second relay is on.
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    6" x 22 " 558 samsung 561c led panel

    Who ripped you off on the heat sinks?
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    Haha you guys. I stole all my shit from others. Maybe I had more pictures and better explanations is all. Just like Gr865 did with mine he modified it to work for him I did with some one elses.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    The only draw back I have found with the narrower screens is that the plants can be harder to bend around because of the tighter bend radius needed to get them back on the screens. But love the fact that the screens can be taken out at any time.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    I like them to sag as well to get light in farther. But you have to make sure the branch does not split where it joins the main stem.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    I could have put it in smaller and let it fill in but it was the first time I grew it and I was new to growing so let it go. Now if I had it I could run it better but there are better strains available.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    No all this was after going into flower. It stretched about 3 feet in flower. Not a good choice for vert.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    I had a strain called X. Fucking shit grew over the top and then bent over and back down 2.5 feet. Shit pissed me off so I got rid of it. Then every one was like shit I need some more of that X. Haha glad to get rid of that fucker. Floppy ass shitty plant that one.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    What are you going to do if the buds above the top of the screen get heavy and start to flop down? I built smaller screens that can be attached to the top of my larger screens just for this reason. I installed PVC tees at the screen corners and the small screens just slid right in. Some thing...
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    I asked where you were because if you are in the USA you can go here to get crop netting cheap. Get the 6x6 not the 6x7. It is much easier to cut to size.
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    GR’s Stacked 315W CMH Vertical, G13 Haze, 2017

    Where are you again? It has been a bit since I was on one of your threads.
  17. I

    4 ft 70 w samsung custom aluminum pcb strips

    Yes you are right. Still driver selection can eat that up. Say a 86% driver verses a 94% driver. That is way more wattage use than the chip. Also drive current can balance the two by running more 561 diodes at a lower current. And if the price is high on the 301 you may be able to pack your...