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  1. Blackvalor

    Happy outdoor plant????

    Congrats. Your plant is already a week or two into flowering
  2. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Very nice plants indeed... Those stalks must be as big as a 12 oz can! Several of mine have also started flowering. Dime sized buds on one of them which is strange for mid July, but I'm not complaining... Any early estimations on what you'll yield/are hoping to yield?
  3. Blackvalor

    Yellow checkering on leaves

    Plants are growing outdoors in 15 gallon roots organics fabric pots. Soil is promix with some other additives. Been giving weekly feedings of maxsea, with an occasional Epsom salt for added magnesium.
  4. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Sounds like a good plan to me. I've never heard of not using lime in outdoor mixes. Acts as a good source of calcium/magnesium for your plants, but maybe I'm missing something. If you pull any sort of harvest your first year it'll be a success. You're right in saying it's a learning experience...
  5. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    At this point I wouldn't bother doing anything fancy in terms of soil, as you only have 3 weeks max until flowering starts. Go with a promix soil, or even a pre mixed bag soil. Since you'll only be able to check every couple weeks I'd suggest planting in ground. That way you won't have to worry...
  6. Blackvalor

    Where to move up North

    Last time I checked cops don't make the laws, they just enforce them. Your problem is with the politicians.
  7. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    Thanks, man. I appreciate the words of encouragement. I'll throw some more pics up when they start to get buds. Hoping for that purple pheno!
  8. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    (That moment when you start actually thinking about all the trimming...) :shock: haha I'm very lucky to have a brother who's always there to lend a hand. He's got his own thing going so its a "one hand washes the other" kind of thing.
  9. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    Thanks for the compliments everybody. This is my 3rd year at it and I have to say its been my best so far. Just hoping everything goes smooth for the remainder of the season. @S'Manta Haha.. Yes the boot went back on, half filled with muddy water. But hey, it's all part of being a guerrilla...
  10. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    Thanks :-D I'm sure I'm just thinking up problems that aren't even there, like usual. Lol
  11. Blackvalor

    To feed or not!

    Your plants don't look like they're flowering at the moment, but they will start soon. Both my frisian dews and purple marocs are budding, but then again they're early finishing strains. If it makes you feel better you can do a 50/50 of veg and bloom nutes, but overall your plants look really...
  12. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    You're going to have to use your imagination, since you can only see one side in the pics. I was going to take a panorama but it was hard enough just walking into the swamp. As is I lost a boot in the muck and watched it fill with water...:wall: Plants are about 5-6 ft tall and starting the...
  13. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    I might not have to worry about netting anything after these ridiculous thunderstorms that rolled through.... Had winds strong enough to take down tree branches around my property. Hoping everything's still standing, but I can't check until tomorrow.
  14. Blackvalor

    Estimated yield

    ^ This
  15. Blackvalor

    Outdoors In The Northeast

    Good suggestion. I see a lot if you Cali growers using them for support, I just don't know how stealth that would be in a guerrilla grow.
  16. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    Haha. I'll snap a pic next time I'm at the site. It's hard to capture them all in one frame, but I'll try my damnedest
  17. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    Thanks for the reassurance. I was also thinking about thinning out some of the inner branches, for the reasons you stated.
  18. Blackvalor

    Getting Rid Of Snails ?

    If salt gets down into your roots your plant will be dead. No ifs ands or buts. I've had first hand experience with it. The best advice here is using beer as bait. They will crawl in, get drunk and die.
  19. Blackvalor

    Is there such a thing as too many tops?

    What's up fellow growers? I have a couple plants about 5 ft tall that have been topped twice. Once when they were young and had several nodes and again when they started to branch out. These plants seem to be naturally branchy to begin with and now sport about 100 tops, possibly more. I've...
  20. Blackvalor

    Estimated yield

    1.75 zips