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  1. W

    Organic Source for Molybdenum???

    Have any lime in that mix? $4 or so for a 40lb bag and you can put the pH meter in a drawer. Wet
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    Organic Source for Molybdenum???

    ^^^^^THAT^^^^^ Azomite will also have it. Wet
  3. W

    Any good organic nutrients from Lowes/Home Depot?

    Espoma is more than excellent and totally organic. Wet
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    FoxFarm Ocean Forest, Crazy PH Strait Out of the Bag?

    That's about when the oyster shell flour that's added seems to run out, usually a couple of weeks sooner. Add the dolo lime and no worries. Or, keep trying other fixes that really don't work. Wet
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    chloramine in our tap water

    I've been using water treated with chloramine for over 6 years with no ill effects. I do use drops for making AEM or something that requires dechlorinated water, but I've tried it without with no difference, so ??????? For plants, the micro herd and the worms, it seems to be a non issue. When...
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    100% Nrganic Nutes -- Where To Buy/What Companies?

    Espoma products are organic. I use it in the initial mix, for top dressing later on and when I re amend used mix. Wet
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    This is a properly buffered soil right?

    Yes, pHing your water is pretty much useless as you showed yourself.A well limed (pH buffered), soil will get the waters pH to its (the soil), pH and not the other way around.Wet
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    Help please. Rep +

    You also need some kelp meal since I don't see a source for K. Wet
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    Brew Tea with 6" Bubble DISK and Commercial 35w Air pump Opinion

    Plenty, but at what cost? A 9w or so pump should be more than enough for a 5 gal bucket and $25 or less. Wet
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    dead ballasts

    If it's magnetic, it's usually the capacitor, which is like a $15 part. Wet
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    How much powdered dolomite?

    Don't bother mixing the dolomite with water. It is finely ground rock and isn't water soluble. Top dress (sprinkle on the top), 2tbl/gallon of pot size. 3 gal container = 6tbl of powdered dolo. Give it a couple of weeks to start working, but only one application is needed. Next time, add it...
  12. W

    Fixing Ph Soil problems (indoor)

    Use the dolomite, if you have never used it, do not fuck with hydrated lime. Or, learn from experience, your call. However, I would still add some epsom salts with the dolomite. I've found that the Mg is slower to release than the Ca, but just one dose of epsom's is all that's needed. Wet
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    ceramic metal halide vs standard metal halide veg

    Check out There is tons of technical info at the site. Real info, not hyped up ad copy. Wet
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    ceramic metal halide vs standard metal halide veg

    Yes. I replaced both my MH and HPS with CMH and they work quite well. It's 2-400w in a large Adjust-A-Wing, one MH and one HPS, both with magnetic ballast. Wet
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    Screwed FIM all up!

    So go ahead and finish the job and fim/top the ones you missed. 16 days is more than enough time to recover. MYOB covered it well. +++ Wet
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    Soil drainage help???

    Check out building supply places. Perlite is used as an insulating material and is sold in 4cf bags, $25 or less. Wet
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    Late bloomer male pollen good?

    Yes, late bloomers are preferred. Wet
  18. W

    Just a question about soil.

    ^^^^^^THAT^^^^^^ Subs supersoil is nothing more than jumped up regular mix like LC's or Vic's. Calling these mixes 'base' is confusing to a lot of people. I also just make one mix for everything, mostly container veggies. MJ gets ~15-20% of the total mix made, usually around 10cf at a pop. No...
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    25-35% used coffee grounds in soil mix.

    I've already been warned off the coffee grinder since my wife uses it 3 or more times/week to grind fresh herbs. I get props for growing the herbs, but I can't play with her toys. No problem, she really is a good cook. Wet
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    25-35% used coffee grounds in soil mix.

    I use amounts like this when making up my worm bedding. I make a peat based bedding and usually have plenty of extra coffee grounds especially in the winter when the worms slow down. During the warmer months I'll just add the grounds to the top of the bin along with fresh comfrey. After mixing...