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  1. Uncle Reefer

    Fusarium, My Experience

    True that, but GI grows slowly and only really blooms and thrives on roots , also it can be quickly overwelmed by other fungi and most bacterias.
  2. Uncle Reefer

    Fusarium, My Experience

    I believe I had it but I managed to get it under control with a heavy dose of Bacillus subtilis, and introducing Glomus intradices to freshly rooted clones and the use of a fungus and bactria laden worm bin. Took about 4 months after figuring out what was going on to getting back on track. It...
  3. Uncle Reefer

    Anyone run 2" net pots from clone to harvest?

    You can do it but it is way harder than it needs to be.
  4. Uncle Reefer

    Pistols still white but the trichromes milky already

    looking good, you are nowhere near done
  5. Uncle Reefer

    america is now less respected than china

    Why do you care so much about what other people think? If it makes you feel better I still love you Americans and think you are wonderful, so you got that going for you, which is pretty great.
  6. Uncle Reefer

    From DEs to LEDs

    Looking but nothing I have found on him states spectrum isn't important. Bright light with a bad spectrum is better for mass than good spectrum and low light, I agree with you there, and his work the little I have read seems to agree. But good spectrum and a good amount of light is superior...
  7. Uncle Reefer

    From DEs to LEDs

    It's more about spectrum this year I believe. I think we are seeing slightly more efficient cobs but the spectrum is where the big gains are, hitting the reds better plus filling the gaps between the nms. Every company shows a nice gradual curve from one nm to another but really it is much more...
  8. Uncle Reefer

    Tips for better ventilation

    you could scrub the air outside the tent to help with smell
  9. Uncle Reefer

    Tips for better ventilation

    leave your tent open at the bottom, so air can get it and be sure your exhaust air not going to the same room as the tent is in
  10. Uncle Reefer

    Freeze Drying Bud and Commercial Freeze Dryers

    Not to get too into it, however, we are not allowed to treat humans as unsafely as we used to. So to get to the moon and back, hell even Jupiter and back with today's tech at yesterdays safety standards, no problem. At today's standards a whole host of new issues. Another example, if we...
  11. Uncle Reefer

    From DEs to LEDs

    I would wait for one more generation of led improvement honestly. Unless you have already spent the money. LED's are better but not enough to justify the cost if you are already set up with the top of the line DE's. The next gen stuff should be much better than the DE's. There are great things...
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Dehumitifer for sealed room.

    I got one and use it to get my humidity down to 50-55% at night, the 4 ton ac helps as well. I got an equivalent to a 6K room .It is fantastic. But you sure do pay the big bucks for fantastic. Yes it is quiet yes it works extremely well yes it is super efficient yes it costs 5 times as much as a...
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Anyone using raked up leaves for a mulch layer?

    I use waste leaves and stems but I pass them through my worms first. That bananas eggshells and seashells as well. The plants don't see it till the worms are done with it and is screened through a 1/4 inch screen. Mulch is good if light is hitting the surface of your soil but if your plants have...
  14. Uncle Reefer

    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    You want at least 40000 lux. so add light or lower the light, keep the plant above 70 degrees day and night. repot aND keep letting those plants have a dry cycle
  15. Uncle Reefer

    F*ck the market this year!

    Its getting frigtening up here I cann't seem to move anything anymore. There is sooo much up here. THey low ball ya and still sell for 30 an eight. It's just criminal
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    Yes fools with youthful skin ! We are all 50 year olds that look like 30 year olds. Us moisties scoff at you chalkies.
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    ya that is low so is his/her low temp, but it shouldn't be dying on him/her. I am thinking he/she is over watering
  18. Uncle Reefer

    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    Whatever you have done you probably damaged your plants the roots in dirt , not the roots at the edge of the pot. Your plant wants to grow new roots, roots grow down and out and the roots you do have are probably at the edges of the pot, so repoting is the quickest way to recover. If you don't'...
  19. Uncle Reefer

    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    I bet if you potted up your plants will recover and start growing happily again. And start picking up the pots to test for weight and don't water till they are light
  20. Uncle Reefer

    Yellowing 2 wks after start of feeding?

    What pot are you using?