Man, I'm sooo close to doing it, but I'm a little afraid to take the plunge!
This guy says leaves from your yard have nutrient value similar to kelp meal.
In this video, dude tries to talk you out of using compost tea. But in his experiment, compost tea (made from grass/tree leaf compost) had more cal/mag than an All in One 20-20-20 chemical fertiliser. So if there is nothing else in there, there is Calcium and Magnesium in those tree leaves. Mulch plus extra important nutrients sounds great!
I use leaves in my compost pile, I use that compost to build soil and top dress pots. I'm almost using the leaves anyway, right?
But like Terps mentioned, I'm worried about introducing new problems to the garden.
Maybe we could sprinkle some Neem Meal and Diatomacious Earth into the leaves to ease our minds?