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  1. T

    Grrrr.... I’m so lost

    So everyone has been super helpful on the forum. In previous posts people have said don’t worry about it but it’s really starting to bug me now. the bottom leaves have very apparent yellow spots on the tips and some of the upper leaves looking a bit yellow as well. Some leaves have a bit of...
  2. T

    Am I pretty much done here?

    So the plant has begun week 3 from Sprout. I’ve seen others at week three with what looks like a full on plant. Mine seems to be growing super slow. Also there is yellow on the tips of the original first true leaves. am I doomed and should I give up? This plant was done in black and gold...
  3. T

    Watering.. I know I know.. RTFF

    Black and gold organic. I’ve read that autoflowers don’t like transplants, so I planted it direct to a 3gl pot. I’m anxious to water because the pH level is right at 7, so I want to diffuse the soil a bit with balanced water.
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    Watering.. I know I know.. RTFF

    Here’s a closeup of the yellow tip
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    Watering.. I know I know.. RTFF

    Hey everyone! Back with my first grow and I understand the concept of read the forum, however this particular case is a bit different then what I’ve been reading. so the top of my soil is dry, but the water at the drainage holes still seems pretty moist. I’ve read that once the top soul is dry...
  6. T

    First water and nutes question

    Well so far I’ve been using a gallon jug from the market. That’ll change soon though just going to filtered from my fridge. or would you just recommend tap? I live ina state known for filthy water lol.
  7. T

    First water and nutes question

    Thank you for your feedback. Ill wait til the second watering then to add the nutes. Can you guide me on how much when the time comes. I am using filtered water so are you saying I will need the cal mag? Thanks
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    First water and nutes question

    Awesome, thanks for the heads up. Any word on that yellowing tip of the one leaf?
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    First water and nutes question

    I am only asking because the link to the answer on the forum is broken. I have done a lot of research but want input from the collective. I bought FFs tiger bloom, big bloom, and grow big because it seemed to be the consensus on slot of forums. I also bought cal mag as well. I am currently...
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    Plant leaning a touch. Normal or nah?

    Just some electrical wire, 14 awg solid strand :)
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    Plant leaning a touch. Normal or nah?

    Thank you for this feedback. Super helpful.
  12. T

    Plant leaning a touch. Normal or nah?

    Hey everyone I’m back with my first grow ever. ibhave just started week 2 and the leaves seem to be progressing well. However, the plant has a lean as depicted in the picture. 1. Is this normal? 2. What if anything,can I do to correct it? Additional info: gorilla glue auto 400w lights @ 18...
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    Should I be concerned?

    Oooo I like the technique. I will def give this a try
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    Should I be concerned?

    Thanks for the feedback. I know it’s a loaded question, should I water at half til the plant is established?
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    Should I be concerned?

    This is what I have for the coming weeks.. like I said, it’s my first time so I am a bit nervous, but not scared to fail.
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    Should I be concerned?

    I originally moistened the soil, 5 days in and I still haven’t watered it again because I can still feel moisture in the soil. I am going to water in another day or so. thanks!
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    Should I be concerned?

    Black and gold organic
  18. T

    Should I be concerned?

    I’m like a rookie/fresh meat with only googling as a resource, which is quite powerful (not to forget the fine folks on this forum). Sorry if I come off as anxious or paranoid.
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    Should I be concerned?

    Yea sorry about that, it’s a closet with no lights besides the grow light. But you can see the yellowing in the middle. Is that normal?
  20. T

    Should I be concerned?

    I was torn to see if I should post this here or in newbie and decided to come here. my plant is about a week old and I am seeing some yellow toward the center of the leaves, should I be concerned or just keep on keeping on? also, if it is to be concerning what can I do to correct? additional...