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  1. Indicia

    Is it ok to put an indoor plant outside on a sunny day? +REP

    : Been Veging for almost 4 weeks, so its been outside about 5 or 6 times.
  2. Indicia

    Is it ok to put an indoor plant outside on a sunny day? +REP

    I tried this out wiith 1 of my 2 plants, I have been putting the same one outside1-2 times a week duing my Veg period for about 8 hours a time, then back under Cfl's. My result is about 1" taller & 1.5" wider in comparison to my plant of the same age, same conditions that has only been under...
  3. Indicia

    Light growing guidence needed!

    Umm, no... I do not have a pH meter, however since I do not have one, I have been using bottled water.
  4. Indicia

    Light growing guidence needed!

    FYI: they will be 4 weeks on the 2nd. Yet I feel like they look as if they are only 2 weeks old.
  5. Indicia

    Light growing guidence needed!

    Here are the pics. Any reason why they are so small? what am I doing wrong? I know its my first and I have alot to learn, but in comparison to others I have seen on this sight they are dinky.
  6. Indicia

    Light growing guidence needed!

    I think I will just keep my set-up as it is now. Thankyou for the advice. My little girls are a Lemon G strand, which from what I have read is Indica dominate. I'm 3 weeks into the Veg cycle from seed, However I feel that they are kinda small for their age. Both about 3" tall and 4-4.5" wide...
  7. Indicia

    Light growing guidence needed!

    Thanks but I have read this before, I was just inquiring if the added spectrum would help or not. But thankyou for the help! :)
  8. Indicia

    How much longer will this take until we can harvest it?

    Nice, one light will work, but are you LSting? bc the light may be only reaching the top canopy!
  9. Indicia

    How much longer will this take until we can harvest it?

    Lookin good man. How many flowering lights do you have on it?
  10. Indicia

    Light growing guidence needed!

    I currently have 4 26w 6500k Cfl's on my girls. My question is: would it be more beneficial if I replaced one or more of the Blue spectrum lights with a flowering 2700k light? This is for Vegetative Growth, I'm just currious if this would help it grow faster and or better.
  11. Indicia

    Dying Plant due to Exposure?

    Shut off direct light on plant.(Indirect light from other plants light) Not really helping.
  12. Indicia

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    From what I have read on here. 10-12 weeks of flowering is required for harvest. Also dont the Trichs tell you when its mature, i.e. 50% cloudy 50% amber?
  13. Indicia

    Dying Plant due to Exposure?

    Also the other horible factors of this... MG mixed with soil. (holds 2x the water) 4-26w CFL's - Dont think this would be the problem, but maybe to close. Closest light is 4" away. No box, just a crappy closet grow. 2 Plants in one rectangle pot. Yeah didnt have any pots and figured one would...
  14. Indicia

    Dying Plant due to Exposure?

    So here's the issue. Was Vegging 2 plants under CFL's for almost 3 weeks now. Decided a few days ago I would give it several hours of Sunlight during my light schedual (6 hours of sunlight). At sundown I brought them in, and placed them back under the lights. The Next day I noticed the edges of...
  15. Indicia

    LST CFL grow 1st timer!!!

    I didn't know that the reflective material helped out that much!
  16. Indicia

    Rubbermaid Grow Box

    Use your clean hands, be delicate, try not to break any of the fragile roots.
  17. Indicia

    First Plant

    So he's going to have an 8' Tall Plant?
  18. Indicia

    FLowering/Sexing Question.

    Why not switch to 12/12 untill sex is shown, then ReVeg?
  19. Indicia

    125 W CFL support 3 plants?

    IMO I would add some 26 watters around the sides for rapid growth during Veg.
  20. Indicia

    125 W CFL support 3 plants?

    As for getting an oz or two a plant, yes. I have seen (1) 125W CFL grow 5 plants in a closet. (not large plant, but small sized plants)