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  1. Indicia

    4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

    Couldn't Agree More! Sorry about the Grow CD. ~Still my Cardboard Idol!
  2. Indicia

    tek t5 ho grow 12/12

    looks good bro
  3. Indicia

    Nirvana AK48, small first grow*advice for beginner needed*

    Very Nice Plants, and Journal
  4. Indicia

    Second water after transplant.

    lol, your funny. The things we care to much about....
  5. Indicia

    How not to ScrOG. How to tie a net.

  6. Indicia

    Delay in flowering - Autoflower

    No need to switch lights
  7. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    I hung them to dry for 4 days. Put them into jars last night. I was pleasantly surprised by my weight--25.6 Grams dry. They are curing in jars right now, and I am opening them multiple times a day. They smell very plant like right now (Green). Is this normal?
  8. Indicia

    180 led vs 125w cfl
  9. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    Thank you for the kind words!
  10. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    Hogbud, would 2 weeks give me a 50/50 ratio of cloudy amber? or will that give me mostly amber? Also, will it still put on weight if I let her go a week or so more?
  11. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    Found out i could take HD pics
  12. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    The last line, made me trust your opinion and laugh at the same time +1 Here are the close-ups
  13. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    Thanks dan! good to know. I gave them that MG shot of 15/30/15 last week bc of the yellowing. I have pulled off 3 of the bigger fan leaves so far due to yellowing. Pulled as in gently pulled down and they popped off that is
  14. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    I know, I know. I planned on ordering one online, and forgot. Don't know where to get one anywhere else. Figured she would be past the 50/50 ratio I was going for, if I had to wait for it to arrive.
  15. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    Thanks hogbud! Hmm, What kind of pics would help? should i go to a more lit area? or just closer?
  16. Indicia

    CFL grow journal, starting week 6 veg

    Oh man, that stinks you had to chop early. They look great! I would be happy with my final harvest looking like that!
  17. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    I also for the first time...Touched the Buds! 1 of them anyway! It was an exciting and anxious moment for me. To my surprise, it was firm! I thought for sure that they would be airy! Lol, to be honest . I noticed some sparkly stuff on my fingers, so I smelled it! Oh, it was so good!:hump:
  18. Indicia

    8 Weeks of Flower, How long till Chop?

    It has been 8 weeks since I flipped the lights to 12/12. I grew her under CFL's and grew as organically as I could. alt the 5 doses of molassas and 1/3 of a tsp of MG my buddy had me convinced she needed.( yellow leaves...) I do not have a scope, and I read on here that harvest time could be...
  19. Indicia

    What will happen if I take one bud from plan 4 weeks into flowering?

    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds-->(Trichomes)
  20. Indicia

    442 watt cfl/t12 mg soil grow 2 plants one indica one sativa

    lol, lookin good bro. new hairs happen, plants are just trying to take in pollen.