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  1. Indicia

    First Grow Bagseed 375 Watt

    very nice!
  2. Indicia

    Outgrew my Area...

    Thanlyou for the advice kotaburnz! I purchased the box a few days ago now, and I'm modifying a vanity light with my own hood design. I also have a pc tower case that has been modified to be my new veg area. Took some clones off of my girls. Hoping they will root in their domes. Anyone know...
  3. Indicia

    Outgrew my Area...

    I'm going to get a Uhaul box today, and try to follow the example of Concord Dawn!
  4. Indicia

    Cfl newbie

    Yes. Someone on here netted 10g dry with 1-65 watter
  5. Indicia

    Outgrew my Area...

    So.. the title pretty much says it all. First time flowering, first time with females (3), and this is the farthest i have ever made it. A little over 3 weeks into flower now. My cabinet is only 36" tall. I made the switch to 12/12 at 9-10" 1 is now 24", 1 is 22", and 1 is 16" My lights are...
  6. Indicia

    What are the Odds? (Security)

    Snaps! May I ask what you did before it was legal in Colorado? If it was something illegal, please stop trolling. LilT211, good luck to you bro! Keep us posted!
  7. Indicia

    CFL grow journal, starting week 6 veg

    I'm guessing a Grand Master may be able to give you an answer. I think you should give it a bit more time to tell.
  8. Indicia

    Help me pls. 2x125w Dual CFL + 4x40w CFL

    Yes. You can grow some large mothers in a closet of that size. Quality is the answer. Also, some pay for Brand names.
  9. Indicia

    3 weeks in flower, how are we looking?

    I'm seeing Great things!
  10. Indicia

    Can i grow with these LED lights?

    Sure Can If 2 100w incandescents can net 10 Grams from a plant, im sure you could at leasst get half of that in 3 months
  11. Indicia

    This is my Grow just wanting some advice

    I'm impressed actually. Have to agree with sunny. Get some CFL's and stick them right next to your plant. If you put them on the sides it may help your plant fill out width wise. 6500k is the CFL bulb your looking for, to Veg and get bushier.
  12. Indicia

    CFL grow journal, starting week 6 veg

    Very Nice! I'm rooting for ya, hoping its a Girl! From flower they say it will stretch 2x -3x. Your going to have a Biggin!
  13. Indicia

    How much butter can I make with a half ounce of bud?

    To give you a reference. 1 Stick of butter is 4oz or 118ml or 1/2 a cup Hope that helps
  14. Indicia

    update on my lone lady test in 2g pot

    More light the better right!?! I want baseball size nugs too! The plant looks amazing bro!
  15. Indicia

    late windowsill planting new zealand with pictures

    Gave me a laugh. Closest thing I have ever heard to a New Zealand accent was watching the behind the scenes of the Lord of the Rings cast who played the hobbits!
  16. Indicia

    Question about harvesting. Really need answer.

    The pics look great! I picked this up from someone on here to use as a reference guide for myself. hope it helps
  17. Indicia


    They look GREAT! How old are your ladies?
  18. Indicia

    Small veg cab, how many watts of cfl?

    To start your seedlings, yes. To Veg them to 12" yes... anything is possible with a weed. To grow it properly in my opinion, no. That is a very small area you're vegging in, but the more light the better. Some say you need 100 watts of CFL's per plant. Others say you need 60 per sq/ft. I myself...
  19. Indicia

    How do they look?

    What Im asking is: Am i on the proper pace? I have grown before, it seemed to take longer to reach this amount of growth last time. Oh and the last attempt were males. So im hoping for my first girl here soon!
  20. Indicia

    How do they look?

    Three weeks old Today! Fimmed the 2 larger ones about an hour ago. (Green & Red) Hope i didn't mess em up! All together They are in Organic Soil, and have only been given tap water (3 day old to burn off chlorine). Lights: 3-26w 6500k 2-13w 5000k 2-26w 2700k Temps: Sit at 80 degrees Fahrenheit...