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  1. L

    What day is day 1?

    i say day 1 is when you start doing stuff. Cracking the seed sounds like day one to me and when you change the light cycle to 12/12 is the start of day one flowering.
  2. L

    plants burnt from light

    why do you grow your plants so tall? Why don't you flower sooner so you can start a new batch earlier = more per year.
  3. L

    outside plant that has never been trimmed

    Cut only dead or about to be dead leaves.
  4. L

    Hours of Light effect grow type?

    Whats the new schedule?
  5. L

    What is better 18 hours or 24 hours of light..

    Less electricity if you don't use 24hrs a day. Sounds like a double good reason to do less hours.
  6. L

    start flowering?

    Can't see your pics.
  7. L

    My New Door!!!

    what size light are you going to use Hole?
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    A win for Fox

    I love how everyone thinks fox news is the enemy. I bet the people that hate it the most have never watched it only hear about it on websites that hate Fox.
  9. L

    Stuff (Bull-Shit) in the news today...

    Good thing I have never smoked a joint!:) Or I would up my chances by 41% of being crazy.
  10. L

    How To Mount Carbon Filter?

    Use plummers tape and if you have a heavy one use more then two straps and put a bunch of screws in it. Plummers tape is a metal band with holes.
  11. L

    Sour Diesel 9.5 weeks into Flower...

    Since you let the sour diesel get to 18in when you started flowering how tall did they end up?
  12. L

    THIS IS A POLL! Joints Vs Bongs

    Bongs all the way!
  13. L

    Joint, bong or pipe

    My vote is for bong..............
  14. L

    4"x4" with 400hps

    in a 4x4 room would 2 400 watt lights be better then 1 1000 watt? And if so you would be using less power.
  15. L


    When using fox farm soil do you need to add anything(perlite) or is good out of the bag?
  16. L

    to vaporize or not to vaporize

    I have a high bred Valcano. I have a heat gun with a digital tempature reading for heat and I use the Valcano pieces to hold the bud and their mouth piece which connects easily to the oven bag conector. It works really well and the bags fill quicker than the Valcano and it has a digital...
  17. L

    Lighting & Lumens

    My bad I thought the 150 wat lights converted to 73 or 78 wats. I am a newbie.............
  18. L

    Lighting & Lumens

    Good thread a enjoyable read. People keep talking about 42 wat cfl's and I am wondering why? I have seen bigger cfl's. I have seen 150 wats cfl's at home depot in the warm spectrum and 100 wats in blue. I know there is a conversion down in wats but I was wondering if anyone was using bigger cfls?
  19. L

    how do i plant my roaches?

    I grew a 30ft plant off of a blunt! So to get a plant from just a joint seems possible.haha
  20. L


    Drink a lot of water the day before and that day. Piss as much as you can. When you take the test hopefully you will piss only water and the test can't be accurate. They might make you come back to take another one though. Make sure you piss a couple of times that day before the test.