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  1. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    215w is total wattage drawn by the light. All 96 LEDs, 14 LEDs per string, run by 7 meanwell 700mA drivers plugged into a kill-a-watt meter. As for the light rail.. my light is a rail.. 4 rails actually. lol. I have a theory I am going to start experimenting with this weekend, if it works it...
  2. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    As Barney (NPH) likes to say on 'How I Met your Mother'.... Challenge Accepted! (Not that I would make you bite your pinky off) :) Your statement is completely accurate about spread/distance between LEDs, optics, etc. I have dealt with all those factors in my years of building lights and learned...
  3. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    What I am saying is the light I made when put under a spectrometer matches very closely to the sensitivity curve posted in the graph above. If you only use Red/Blue LEDs (660nm/450nm) the graph will look like the LED plot on the chart, but I use many different blue and red spectrum LEDs as well...
  4. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    First part is what I am here to prove, but I don't have that yet (but from years/decade of experience with LEDs I have no doubt I can prove it once I get other factors dialed in), second part, yes, no question in terms of usable light 215w of spectrum specific LEDs with optics will beat 1800w of...
  5. CaliJoe

    3 watt diode 21-54 watt bulbs, question?

    For me the biggest issue was distance.. there is a very small point in which they put out good enough light for growing, but 2" away from the ideal point and they were too weak. They seem to work best if you are growing something that doesn't actually grow vertical, like moss, but even then the...
  6. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    Well, I have already posted 'proof' of a 140w LED beating 1000w of HID, look on page 1. Not sure how you think it is unbelievable to think 215w of LED in the right spectrum can beat 1800w of HID in PUR output. It has been proven daily in the aquarium industry for at least the last 8 years, so to...
  7. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    With corals and algae, we do know the PUR values of some of them, thanks to universities and major aquariums (like Waikiki) doing massive research into the topic, and with that we can tweak the spectrum to see how other corals react. What we learned with algae and corals is that the absorption...
  8. CaliJoe

    3 watt diode 21-54 watt bulbs, question?

    Unfortunately I have to agree with Castaman, I have tried a few of those bulbs in the last year and none of them I would recommend. On paper they sounded good, which is why I shelled out over a hundred dollars trying a few different ones, but in practice they didn't work as well as even CFLs for me.
  9. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    I understand the skepticism. If I didn't know what I do about light/photosynthesis, I would be in the skeptic camp as well reading my statement. I admit, this is completely unscientific as we don't know the exact numbers for the plant we are growing, so I am using the standard absorption...
  10. CaliJoe

    90W homemade LED grow

    Energy stored in photons decreases with distance. Personally I do not think reflected light is nearly as good as directed light and you will get a lot more usefulness out of an LED light with optics vs no optics. Typical spread on LEDs without optics is 120 degrees, that is a lot of light going...
  11. CaliJoe

    90W homemade LED grow

    Design is nice and no doubt will cool just about anything you can throw on it. Do they make special optics for those LEDs? If not, I would go a different route. You can easily increase the output 3 fold by adding optics.
  12. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    I don't buy into the whole 'lm per watt' stuff. That is a great way to measure efficiency for general household lighting, but doesn't work for spectrum specific lighting. Blue light has a very low lm per watt ratio, but extremely high in energy output, called HEV light...
  13. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    I am a little odd in my reason for being in this hobby. I am not in this for max yields, but more for making things the most efficient possible so I can then build closets/lights for others locally as a side business (and there is A LOT of side business to be had if I can prove it works, which...
  14. CaliJoe

    First time DIY LED grow

    The dehumidifier works as good as it possibly can, filling up the container every 2 days (which is about a 1/3 of a gallon), and the damp rid also pulls out a lot (using up the white crystals and filling with water every 5 days). I finally 'solved' the humidity problem for good yesterday for my...
  15. CaliJoe

    First time DIY LED grow

    Day 37 of flowering.. I will have better pictures next update (turn off the fans). They are now starting to put on some weight (little buds, but are rock hard) and soooo many crystals. Wish I had the time to take better pictures but it was just a stop in, check parameters and top off water, and...
  16. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    There are 3 general types of corals, soft corals (low light, no skeleton), LPS corals (medium light, calcium skeleton but a few large polyps), and SPS corals (high light, calcium skeleton and thousands of small polyps). It is a little of both to answer your question.. 12" deep under water with a...
  17. CaliJoe

    Poudery Mildew

    I found the answer to my question, 5ml of H202 per pint of water. I must add a 'holy farking shiat this stuff works!' to this thread. I have been spraying daily with milk/water for the past 2 months and the best I accomplished was slowing the spread, but didn't seem to do anything to eliminate...
  18. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    Lighting requirements for SPS corals are about 2x as much light as you would need to grow cannabis. One of the reasons is you have to penetrate up to 2' of water which really reduces the intensity, then corals are much more light demanding than any plant. Cannabis growers seem fine with PAR...
  19. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    100% false, yields mean MUCH MORE to aquariums than any MJ grow, you want to know why, I can make 100x more $ selling corals than I ever could selling weed, and I can do it legally. There is also the satisfaction of being able to grow those types of corals, because they are very difficult to...
  20. CaliJoe

    A Curved Shaped LED Light

    For the purpose here, yes, optics are a must have. On my algae scrubber, optics are bad as it ends up frying the algae due to photo-saturation from being too close (and no way to pull them back).