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  1. rotcodnatas

    Will this cause hot spots?

    Use stick on velcro, you'll be able to readjust the mylar once its on the wall. Wally world carries it.
  2. rotcodnatas

    Will this cause hot spots?

    I doubt it but it could be smoother. How did you mount it?
  3. rotcodnatas

    1000w Lighting Proximity to Plants?

    Just use a thermometer or your hand, if its too hot raise the light.An air cooled reflector or oscilating fan(s) aimed at the light would be a good investment. Also remember that plants will want more light/ more intense light later in bud. Plus its also strain dependant. Some strains can handle...
  4. rotcodnatas

    just moving in.....setting up camp!!!

    I'd go with ebb and flow but thats my preference. Aero or nft could work too idk know about drip, tried it and didn't like it but thats me. 1000w is good.
  5. rotcodnatas


    I guess its only as difficult as you make. Indoor plants dont really get hardened off as outdoor ones do so they're more susceptible to stress I suppose. But also some people are just naturals at growing the reef, like many of the fine folks on RIU, and some are just dumber than lemmings and...
  6. rotcodnatas

    First grow room, First grow.. Converted spa room

    O and I'll definitely be watching this. Good luck with the grow show.
  7. rotcodnatas

    First grow room, First grow.. Converted spa room

    Very nice mi friend. If you wanna go with CO2 then I think you'd be better off with a propane/natural gas burner for your setup, cuz otherwise you'll be spendin some dough on tank refills. Granted a burner will be a fairly expensive initial investment, but i think it pays for itself in the long run.
  8. rotcodnatas

    How to grow marijuana videos here

    YO fuck youtube download that shit here and here I'm not sure on the one from pirate bay, but the isohunt one is good.
  9. rotcodnatas

    How to seal rubbermaid tub???

    Garbage bags like someone else used, i forgot who. Chesk the thread for one of those systems and you'll see.
  10. rotcodnatas

    jorge cerventes

    I hear the farthest an HID light will penetrate efficiantly is 3ft, could be less for a 600w. Jorge Cervantes uses the formula lumens/distance=intensity in his book. So we'll say our 600w bulb has an initial 80,00 lumens and its 2ft from the top of the canopy, that means the top of plants are...
  11. rotcodnatas

    jorge cerventes

    Its not as scary as you think. As long as you keep your Ph in check you wont have to many problems. One thing i like about hydro is that when your flowering it seems that plants tolerate higher amounts of nutrients than in soil, at least thats been my experience. Also ive had bad luck with soil...
  12. rotcodnatas

    Grow Room OPTIONS A or B

    Maybe try germin 3-5 of the papayas for now, I suppose its gonna end up being up to you on how many.
  13. rotcodnatas

    jorge cerventes

    I grow chronic isnt really the best either, all the grow videos are good but there doesnt seem to be a perfect one, until I make one lol. Marmarb sounds like you got a good idea of what your gonna do, are you goin with soil or hydro?
  14. rotcodnatas

    jorge cerventes

    Are you starting from seed or clone? If clone then a month is kind of a long time for SOG. Most people only veg clones 1-2 weeks. Someone on hear ,i cant remember who, doesnt even veg his cuz he takes big clones. Your veg time is going to be determined by how tall you want them to end up and...
  15. rotcodnatas

    WHat's the worst thing you can do when your high?

    Run out of more bud of course.
  16. rotcodnatas

    Speed Control for inline fan? No Hum!

    Yes you might need a weaker fan but you could try duct damperer or diffuser. With the money you've spent you probably could have almost paid for a new fan.
  17. rotcodnatas

    Grow Room OPTIONS A or B

    Definitely go for the bigger space, o and the coverage area for a 400w is closer to 3x3. Just germinate a few of the G13 for now seeing as there feminized, how papaya did you get?
  18. rotcodnatas

    jorge cerventes

    "So in a 4x4 that's 12 plants right and 6x6 is 36 plants" Depends on how you want to grow your plants, you could just let 'em grow, FIM/top them so they bush out, or try Sea of Green. You might want to figure or right a full plan of your grow, it'll save you a lot of headaches. I also agree with...
  19. rotcodnatas

    Help me with grow light please!

    Where the hell am i I had know idea they were the wrong spectrum, ive looked at those bulbs quite a few times and they were at least ok. You found out the light spectrum from sylvania's site correct?
  20. rotcodnatas

    veg room irrigation

    Maybe but the parts are fairly cheap if you ask me, but it could be true. Yeah i already knew wat you were talkin about ive watched the video many times. Too bad mr. green could have gotten a much bigger yield with that setup, but it was only for demonstration purposes. That splitter in the...