Help me with grow light please!


Well-Known Member
im new too what lights should I get and where I have a flourescent bulb that is 250 watt 6500k should I use it for veg its a closter grow with 2 plants maybe just 1 still thinking things over thanks


Well-Known Member
im new too what lights should I get and where I have a flourescent bulb that is 250 watt 6500k should I use it for veg its a closter grow with 2 plants maybe just 1 still thinking things over thanks
That's a good veg start set up.

around 6500k for vef

around 2600k for flower


Well-Known Member
where the am I going to get the much bulbage for flowering and where and how much is that going to be and I mean where can I get it lol


Active Member
Where the hell am i I had know idea they were the wrong spectrum, ive looked at those bulbs quite a few times and they were at least ok. You found out the light spectrum from sylvania's site correct?


Well-Known Member
what? dude im just wondering where the hell am I supposed to get a 2600k lumen wait I am supposed to get lower lumens for florwering?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Where the hell am i I had know idea they were the wrong spectrum, ive looked at those bulbs quite a few times and they were at least ok. You found out the light spectrum from sylvania's site correct?
I had the chick @ my local hydro store look it up on line. The spectrum is off (dont have it here, ya can find it, I'm sure), and the Lumens are low (same as b4)

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
OK, y'all may be using the GROW bulb by sylv, but thats not wat he has!
Heres the spectrum on the 1 he WANTS, not the 1 he has. PLEASE DO NOT SAY I DO NOT KNOW WAT IM TALKIN ABOUT. If I speak and say I KNOW, then I know


Well-Known Member
Is that the spec? Those are good flower colors with some green for the human eye to see the plant.

this is the spec for

for this one

fat sam

Well-Known Member
a 430 son agro is about the best small bulb out there in my opinion, its got the output of a hps with a enhanced blue spec, thats what i use for veg, you see plants use much more red light than blue so if you compare a plants color response against the light of a halide you will see that it only uses about half the blue light, a lot of bulbs have the little graph im talking about right on their site