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  1. somebody1701

    strange dust like coloring on seedling leaf

    You are drowning those. Probably toast.
  2. somebody1701

    Plants growing slow in rdwc

    I just converted 30c to 86F. Did your res temps get that high?
  3. somebody1701

    Left in veg for too long, tips on pruning please

    I use a 5g bucket with vinyl tube attached so I can water all the ladies from one mix of solution. The tube is about the same diameter as that spout. I hate splashing nute solution on my leaves and having it spill on the floor and I really like to see what's going on. Different strokes for...
  4. somebody1701

    Plants growing slow in rdwc

    Your picture doesn't provide enough detail when I zoom in but it looks like it could be more than just nute stain up towards the top of the root structure where those roots are clumped together and lack hairs. You could have a case of the plant spending it's energy maintaining an adequate root...
  5. somebody1701

    Left in veg for too long, tips on pruning please

    How do you LST fan leaves covering the pot preventing you from watering easily? Unless you have very short plants, those "panels" get no "sunlight" in flower (or in late veg for that matter). Don't get me wrong, I avoid trimming when possible, but in this case, I don't see any downside to...
  6. somebody1701

    Plants growing slow in rdwc

    I think you have everything too perfect for the plants to grow, lol. Your space and plants look perfect and your PH, water temp, and EC seem right on.
  7. somebody1701

    Plants growing slow in rdwc

    The fact that your PH is stable might indicate poor nutrient uptake. Have you peaked at the roots? If they look OK, you could bump the nutes one way or another. Which way, I'd wait for a real DWC expert to say. I'd lean towards higher since you've got nothing to lose this far into veg...
  8. somebody1701

    Plants growing slow in rdwc

    You never mentioned the lighting. I would expect them to be growing 2 inches a day at this point. They look so healthy in your picture that I wouldn't have guessed you're having problems if you didn't mention how long they've been in veg.
  9. somebody1701

    30 days into flowering Super Skunk. Diagnosis please?

    Yes, I meant your last transplant should be during veg and you need to wait a week or two (preferably two, IMO) before you go to the 12/12 schedule (flip).
  10. somebody1701

    30 days into flowering Super Skunk. Diagnosis please?

    I would never transplant before flower. One time I transplanted from a 3g to 5g and flipped that day. Plant never grew roots into the additional space. Plants I have in the 5g for a week or two before the flip always fill out. Not sure why you are only doing 1/3 strength nutes. I would go...
  11. somebody1701

    I'm not sure what's going on, but it doesn't look good..

    I think it must be a combination of genetics and stress. I've stressed the $hit out of my plants a couple of times in a couple of different ways (heat, water light). I even tried to get some to hermie with light stress one time so I could get seeds. I've never had a hermie.
  12. somebody1701

    Very basic electrical question !

    The 120 versus 240 doesn't really tell you the max capacity of your breaker box. Breaker boxes have two hots and you usually try to balance them. Any imbalance is what the neutral is for. The main breaker on your box and the size of the line coming into the main breaker are what determine...
  13. somebody1701

    Nute Burn?

    Nute burn usually shows at the tips near the top of the plant. What medium? How far into flower?
  14. somebody1701

    Plants growing slow in rdwc

    Yeah, they are definitely not where I'd expect them at 5 weeks, but they do look healthy. Have they stalled out recently or just been slow the whole time?
  15. somebody1701

    What do you think is better?

    I don't know, could be unnecessary since I'm using rain water now, but back when I was using RO water, it seemed to help and I've never stopped. I use Bragg's with "the mother," lol. Not saying it's necessarily for PH. This could certainly be voodoo on my part.
  16. somebody1701

    What do you think is better?

    I use the GH coco tek blocks you can order on Amazon. Mix in 25% perlit. I use the General Organics line of nutrients. I use the Grow and CaMg+ in veg (and the roots, seaweed and squid sometimes). Bloom, Bio Bud, and CaMg+ in flower. Put a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in every...
  17. somebody1701

    Left in veg for too long, tips on pruning please

    I guess there's some new trend, but I've never thought twice about trimming anything off the bottom of the plant. It's the first thing to fall off in flower and it really gets annoying to water. I would be uncomfortable with my humidity over 65% in flower. Overall, your plant looks great.
  18. somebody1701

    I'm not sure what's going on, but it doesn't look good..

    The smoke can be good, but trimming, cleaning before smoking sucks.
  19. somebody1701

    I'm not sure what's going on, but it doesn't look good..

    Interesting. I've not seen those before (the purple balls). Didn't notice the yellow boners. I would keep a close eye on the purpose things in case they are male flowers (not that I've ever seen any purple male flowers).
  20. somebody1701

    Left in veg for too long, tips on pruning please

    Yes, even the huge fan leaves at the very bottom. I actually trim all those away when I flip. They'll drop off eventually and they make watering a PITA.