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  1. somebody1701

    Light Bleaching on Holy Grail kush

    If you know it's light-bleaching and you can move the light up, do so. 6-8 inches sounds too close to me, but I don't know your light.
  2. somebody1701

    Please Confirm nitrogen deficiency, solutions.

    The N deficient leaves won't recover. Watch for new leaves turning yellow as a sign of whether you've corrected or not. Long-term, you might want to start collecting rain water.
  3. somebody1701

    Need a cheap weekend watering solution

    I had to go out of town for 5 days and I bought a "patio" watering kit with a timer at Home Depot that worked great. I set it up two days before I left to make sure it was working right. Like others have said, though, being gone for the weekend shouldn't be an issue if you water them heavy...
  4. somebody1701

    Nitrogen deficiency this late in the game???

    Very hard to see anything with the HPS on. How many weeks did you expect to go? It wouldn't hurt to give them some N if that's really what they need but not sure there's much point this late in flower.
  5. somebody1701

    Building a Grow Room in an Outdoor Shed

    After all the problems I had in my first room, I build in extra capacity for air-flow, temperature control, and humidity control. The only thing I never have is extra height, so I have to very disciplined in veg.
  6. somebody1701

    Need diagnosis please. Need more pics let me know

    Heat stress and/or insect damage?
  7. somebody1701

    What's the cause of this??

    That looks like major trouble. No clue. Root damage? Virus? Completely messed up PH?
  8. somebody1701

    Is this nitrogen problem

    Your question isn't very clear. Can you take a pic without the HPS?
  9. somebody1701

    Left in veg for too long, tips on pruning please

    You don't have to, but I do because it makes the plant stay lower. What I do is wrap a 3-4 inch piece of garden wire around the stem at a 45 deg angle to keep the lower part of the stem above the bend point at a 90 deg angle. I didn't have to actually roll this stem because it's pretty thin...
  10. somebody1701

    this methode vs. super crop

    You can get a 16 slot coco starter tray at Home Depot. Get some Rapid Rooters and Clonex. Always have a node near the bottom of your clone. Lightly scrape the bottom of the clone with an exacto knife. Dip in the bottom of the stem in the Clonex. Insert into RR (I like to use them upside...
  11. somebody1701

    How do YOU start seedlings?

    If you're seeds aren't too old, you really can do just about any of these and be fine, as long as you don't overwater.
  12. somebody1701

    Left in veg for too long, tips on pruning please

    If you look up supercropping, I'm sure you can find a video. You grasp the the stem at the point you want to bend it between your thumb, forefinger, and middle finger and gently roll it back and forth. You'll feel the fibers snap a bit but you don't want to snap the stem. The second time I...
  13. somebody1701

    Should i top or wait ?

    I wouldn't strip anything at this point. Just top or FIM above the last node. Never strip anything getting light, IMO. If you want a clone, wait until you have two more nodes.
  14. somebody1701

    These can't possibly be the same pheno... right?

    FYI, I have smoked Blue Dream and it's awesome. Hopefully you actually have some.
  15. somebody1701

    Foiler feeding?

    I get using foliar for an immobile deficiency, but otherwise, why do it? Especially if you are having mold issues.
  16. somebody1701

    Please Confirm nitrogen deficiency, solutions.

    I'd go with something that has mostly N as a supplement or alone for a week or two. The ratio is more important than the size of the numbers, IMO.
  17. somebody1701

    Please Confirm nitrogen deficiency, solutions.

    Looks like N to me. It's going to take a week or so to correct and the damaged leaves won't recover.
  18. somebody1701

    Should i top or wait ?

    I'd be fine topping that. Looks like 3rd or 4th node at the top. Why wait until the plant's invested more energy into the part your going to top?