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  1. cindywhite

    Flushing water?

    I have heard a lot about it being a myth. Its so crazy how much info there is about flushing out there. That makes things easier.
  2. cindywhite

    Flushing water?

    I have been feeding my plants tap water throughout their life. The ppm is 177, and I am curious if that is too much ppm for a flush or if I will be alright. If it is too high, what should I do?
  3. cindywhite

    Higher than U

    Higher than U
  4. cindywhite

    Using incorrect nutrients during flower?

    Would I be better off getting the botanicare bloom 2-2-3 nutrient? Or would that cause disruptions? I'm predicting a late October harvest so I have about 2 full months left.
  5. cindywhite

    Using incorrect nutrients during flower?

    Why such a short stint with the hydroplex?
  6. cindywhite

    Using incorrect nutrients during flower?

    Is that my ppm? I've been somewhat concerned of a lockout because I am using tap water as well.
  7. cindywhite

    Using incorrect nutrients during flower?

    I am adding botanicares cal mag plus that is 2-0-0 and I am using their hydroplex 0-10-6 for bid growth. Do you think that will be enough NPK? I'm putting 25ml of the base nute per gallon, and only 5ml (1 tsp) of the hydroplex and cal mag plus.
  8. cindywhite

    Using incorrect nutrients during flower?

    I have been using the botanicare cns17 ripe 1-5-4 for about 3 weeks now. I used the botanicare transition/bloom (2-2-3 I believe) for about two weeks when they stared showing sex. I guess I was supposed to do pretty much the opposite, and use the transition/ bloom for the whole time and the...
  9. cindywhite

    What's wrong with my plants?

    They are in 10 gallon smart pots, and ffof soil. It looks like I need to get a better scope to see those f'ers then.
  10. cindywhite

    What's wrong with my plants?

    Ok thank you. I have been giving them a shit ton of water because it's been over 100. Then it got down in the 90's and I kept feeding them at the same rate when I shouldn't have. I've over watered before, but nothing that looks like this. I try to let them dry out but there's a very fine line...
  11. cindywhite

    What's wrong with my plants?

    2/3 plants I have in my backyard are having some minor issues but I'm worried there is something they're not getting or getting too much of. There was some copper spotting, curved leaf growth, leaf decay, and leaves wilting into nothing overnight. Obviously there is more than one problem. Based...
  12. cindywhite

    Botanicares Calmag plus? How much is too much?

    I put clones in the soil on June 27th so they didn't veg long. I only used nutrients for about a month in veg because the ffof was hot enough to last 4 weeks with just water. They're in 10 gallon pots. I posted everything I'm using on the bottom. Do you have an opinion on the molasses and sweet...
  13. cindywhite

    Botanicares Calmag plus? How much is too much?

    To start off I am using ffof soil, an entire line of botanicare, and tap water that I don't know the Ppm of. I'm in northern ca growing outdoors so I'm just over 3 weeks in flowering. They've been healthy this whole time besides some copper spotting in the leaves so i bought some cal mag plus...
  14. cindywhite

    What's happening to my plants?

    I just fed them botanicare cns17 transition 2-2-3, so if it is a phosphorus problem then it shouldn't get any worse. Right?
  15. cindywhite

    What's happening to my plants?

    I think they look pretty good. They're drooping because they're thirsty and I'm trying to figure out what to feed them. You can't even tell where the problem is because it's only on 2 leaves on each plant I believe. It's on the newer leaves. The third plant looks like them with no blackening at all.
  16. cindywhite

    What's happening to my plants?

    It hasn't rained 1 time since I've planted. I don't even think I've seen a cloud.
  17. cindywhite

    What's happening to my plants?

    I've been feeding them botanicare cs17 veg (3-1-2). Do you think I need to switch to the transition nutrient with 2-2-3? With a little more phosphorus? I was told to wait until there is dime sized buds to even think about a transition when growing outdoors.
  18. cindywhite

    What's happening to my plants?

    Yes I saw that, but like I said it is blackening at the base on all of the leaves. It's also black. Very dark black. This is describing more of a blue/ green.
  19. cindywhite

    What's happening to my plants?

    Im growing outdoors in Northern California so I'm entering flowering right now. I noticed that 2/3 plants have some black growing on some of their new leaves. It looks like a phosphorous deficiency, but it's weird where the black is forming at the base of the leaf. There is 1 leaf with a black...
  20. cindywhite

    More nutrient help

    The NPK on the floranova I just looked at is 4-8-7. That's more nitrogen than in currently using in veg. Isn't the nitrogen supposed to be lower in flowering? Or is okay because I'm not using it every feeding?