What's wrong with my plants?


Active Member
2/3 plants I have in my backyard are having some minor issues but I'm worried there is something they're not getting or getting too much of. There was some copper spotting, curved leaf growth, leaf decay, and leaves wilting into nothing overnight. Obviously there is more than one problem. Based on the lower leaves being affected first, and some of the top leaves curling downwards I think I have hemp/ russet mites. The only problem is I cannot see them. I thought it was cal mag but I'm feeding them tap water (6.3 ph) I keep it pretty steady. Also the botanicare cns17 base in using has calmag in it. I've never had problems until now. I have 1 plant that is green everywhere, totally healthy. In the 2 plants that are having problems the buds haven't developed much at all. The healthy plant has buds that are getting much bigger than the other 2. My main question is where do I look for these things? I have a microscope thing that I've always used for weed. I don't know the exact magnification but it zooms in pretty damn close. where do these things like to hang out at? Am I wrong to even think it is an infestation. I spray green cleaner every 5 days or so. I haven't had any bug problems (that I know of).

Nutrients/ supplements:
Botanicare CNS17 ripe 1-5-4
Botanicare hydroplex 0-10-6 (only fed once)
Botanicare sweet raw supplement for sugar
Like I said ph is steady 6.3 I don't know the ppm of the tap water. The clones were planted on June 27th and they are in the 3rd week of flower now. They're in 10 gallon pots. I hope that and the the pictures will be enough info.



Well-Known Member
What soil and containers are they in? Look on both sides of the leaf but mostly on the underside for russet mites they are very tiny it takes a 100x or stronger to really see them.


Active Member
Looks like overwatering leading to a mag def
Ok thank you. I have been giving them a shit ton of water because it's been over 100. Then it got down in the 90's and I kept feeding them at the same rate when I shouldn't have. I've over watered before, but nothing that looks like this. I try to let them dry out but there's a very fine line between not needing water and then dropping. I hate when I water too late and they look like they're dying. Especially in flowering. Anyways I'll let you know if they get better. I'll let them dry out completely.


Active Member
What soil and containers are they in? Look on both sides of the leaf but mostly on the underside for russet mites they are very tiny it takes a 100x or stronger to really see them.
They are in 10 gallon smart pots, and ffof soil. It looks like I need to get a better scope to see those f'ers then.


Well-Known Member
Ok thank you. I have been giving them a shit ton of water because it's been over 100. Then it got down in the 90's and I kept feeding them at the same rate when I shouldn't have. I've over watered before, but nothing that looks like this. I try to let them dry out but there's a very fine line between not needing water and then dropping. I hate when I water too late and they look like they're dying. Especially in flowering. Anyways I'll let you know if they get better. I'll let them dry out completely.
don't let them get completely dry they need to stay moist or the roots die, not too wet not to dry, get a meter to check and make sure the soil is pressed in around the edge of the pot so the water doesn't run down the sides. they need a full spectrum fertilizer like http://hydrobuilder.com/earth-juice-verde-fire-grow.html