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  1. ryeguy

    Prob just impatient but....

    some seeds take longer than are u germinating them..i may be able to speed up the proccess for u
  2. ryeguy


    get a bobby pin....straighten it out so its flat....stick it in ur jar of oil...spread the oil on the paper or blunt...before stickin bobby pin in jar..grab jar nd lighter...heat up jar by letting the lighter touch the outside of this for about 10 secs then dip the pin in their nd...
  3. ryeguy

    after a "royal flush" how soon can you harvest?

    nd for all those who think i dont know what im saying here is the PROPER way to flush: Use plain water...using this leaches out extra nutrients salts for better tasting pot. U will notice as u flush the excess salts fan leaves will get lighter (yellow) ... Add enough fresh water to tottally...
  4. ryeguy

    Paranoia, help please

    i think its because like u were saying u started smoking it constantly for a "long" period of time,,,, then u suddenly stopped...i think when u stopped nd didnt smoke for a month that jus made the paranoia worse..i find when i dont smoke weed for a while..when i do smoke i get 10 times as high...
  5. ryeguy

    Paranoia, help please

    i think its because like u were saying u started smoking it constantly for a "long" period of time,,,, then u suddenly stopped...i think when u stopped nd didnt smoke for a month that jus made the paranoia worse..i find when i dont smoke weed for a while..when i do smoke i get 10 times as high...
  6. ryeguy

    after a "royal flush" how soon can you harvest?

    ok..haha.....well leave it at that....HAPPY HALLOWEEN
  7. ryeguy

    question about smell during flowering

    lmaoo..if there outside could just be the wind...sometimes i get a strong wiff of my pnats due to the wind carrying the scent..but yea lmaoo HAPPY HALLOWWEENN
  8. ryeguy

    after a "royal flush" how soon can you harvest?

    hahah okay jus cause u got it from a book dosent mean its truu...y harvest 24 hours later...this jus makes the buds more heavy with water weight...if u waited a lil bit longer ur buds woulda been a bit dryer nd u prolly coulda got a bit more...nd i didnt call u out i said noob...its my...
  9. ryeguy

    question about smell during flowering

    yea ..lmaoo its not like they just stop smelling..the further it gets into flowering the more nd more its gunna smell...if u dont want it to smeell than to bad haha
  10. ryeguy

    Beginning to Flower? (Updated Pictures) bad on the trichs lets jus sai i was high haha...nd ur not gunna get alot couple grams dry but it will still be good if u grow it right...
  11. ryeguy

    Beginning to Flower? (Updated Pictures)

    white hairs = Trichomes..nd ive never seen a plant that small flowering ur not gunna get much how long did u veg for
  12. ryeguy

    question about smell during flowering

    welll id sai during lighting plants dank outside in when the suns out...during the night it dosent smell as much but theres deffently a strong smell
  13. ryeguy

    Most plants you ever grew?

    ahhh soo truu lmaoo...nd ightt illl be waitin on that shit...happy smokin bro....dont let me down :P haha
  14. ryeguy

    My babies are dying Please help me!!!!!!

    haha well lmaoo thats not our faults..learn to grow before acutally growing #1 RULE..happpy smokin good luck with ur plants
  15. ryeguy

    Most plants you ever grew?

    haha very funny...lmaoo...its all good i like people to smoke some nd try it out....haha...nd like i told u its fine cause i still got stash left over nd that was last year ...but ill be sure to call u next harvest..since ur such a loyal friend.nd the espanol guy he can sai olla to mi mui...
  16. ryeguy

    after a "royal flush" how soon can you harvest?

    haha noob ,.....shuda waited
  17. ryeguy

    Most plants you ever grew?

    yeaa lmaoo ....i harvested all within a month..they were all planted at different times as took me nd about 5 friends a couple of months to trim dry nd cure....we also made oil with all the leftover shake nd little buds....yes it is alot of work but it was well worth it...each plant...
  18. ryeguy

    Stupid ? or not, Im not sure.

    i put mine in paper towel..nd give wtaer the paper towle when it begins to get dry in 4-5 usually a inch tap-root as grown nd i stick an inch below the dirt....i like to germanate it first then put it in dirt...i usually then stick em in my windows sill when its light out...if im using it for an...
  19. ryeguy


    well it dosent matter what seed it always grows in the dark for me...the light dosent really do much when its buried its when it sprouts is when u need the light
  20. ryeguy

    My babies are dying Please help me!!!!!!

    thats sooo truuu..but if this dude wants to continue o well let em....u learn from ur mistakes right:P