
Active Member
Ok, this is my first attempt at growing ANYTHING and this is what i got so far.

This is what i got so far, i germinated the seed in tap water for 4 hours and now am going to plant it using that top soil, keeping everything in temp between 70-80f. Am not going to add any lights or fertilizer yet, will that be ok , or do they really really need light from the begining.
P.s. the pot i think is clay does that matter will it contamite the water/soil and kill my plant??

Let me know Am i out of my mind, is this totally wrong, tips help me out.
GOOD BAD send it my way, i need all the tips i can get.


Well-Known Member
usually i germinate in a wet paper towel..after that i fill up a small CUP with soil nd plant it in there...i then cover it up nd place it in my DARK closet for 24 hours sometimes longer...usuallly then when its about 1-2 inches i place it under light


Well-Known Member
Research research research. Do what ryeguy said, then while your waiting look around for your answers. This site has it pretty much summed up. There are many many different ways to grow and instead of a hundred people telling you what you should or should not do. Find your own way that will work best for you and your environment. Trial and Error my friend. Good luck on your first plant and I hope all goes well for ya.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i germinated the seed in tap water for 4 hours and now am going to plant it using that top soil, keeping everything in temp between 70-80f.
Seeds don't germinate in only 4 hours. You need to keep the seeds soaked until the pop open and the white tap-root begins to protrude. Also, that soil you're using is probably no good. Straight topsoil lacks materials like perlite and peat moss, which keep the soil light and helps with drainage. Without such supplements, the soil will become too dense and not allow enough oxygen to penetrate the root zone. One other thing... plants NEED light to grow. Once the plants sprout out of the soil they need light immediately. You should thoroughly study the GrowFAQ before proceeding much further, and get yourself a more appropriate grow medium, like FoxFarms Ocean Forest.


Active Member
the easiest way i germinate seeds is that i take a paper towel and sprayed it down with a spray bottle, but it into a ziplock bag, take out ALL the AIR! then set it on my window sill


Well-Known Member
well it dosent matter what seed it always grows in the dark for me...the light dosent really do much when its buried its when it sprouts is when u need the light