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  1. MVNuggets

    first grow- could use some help

    Looks good. What are the Kelvin (color temperature) or your lights? Like I said, 6500k (daylight spectrum) are the best for veg. Also, what are they in? Just a room or a box of some sort? Just keep that soil moist until they break ground. Cant wait to see 'em grow up! MVNugs
  2. MVNuggets

    How important is the temperature..

    What are they made of? And what is the insulation? I really dont think you'll have a problem with it. As long as your night cycles run between 60-70 degrees F and your days dont go over 90F or so, you'll be fine. Theres a reason its called "weed", it grows like a weed. You basically have to...
  3. MVNuggets

    How important is the temperature..

    Temps ideally should stay consistent in the 70's during day cycle, and about 60-70 degrees during night cycle. What are the walls made of, and are they on the outside of the house (IE are their walls the houses outer walls)? MVNugs
  4. MVNuggets

    my first grow

    One easy thing to do is get a rack of some sort and train your plant to almost grow sideways, it encourages branching and the colas on the sides will get much more light, more light = bigger buds bro. sneaky alliteration... hehehe.. sorry bout that. MVNugs
  5. MVNuggets

    Electrical Growing Worries.

    Silent pride man. Silent pride. A small garden like that, are you planning on devoting a room to it or 2 grow boxes? Grow boxes dont really require that much, a small fan, and some lights. But a room would be more efficient, just it would be harder to handle 2 different light cycles (one for...
  6. MVNuggets

    my first grow

    Dang, 10x3x3... ya could get some monstahs in thar man. lol. dont disregard LSTing though, you can double or 1.5x your harvest with some effective training. This is gonna be an interesting grow! MVNugs
  7. MVNuggets

    fell over

    Punk's right, if its a sprout then you need to get some air circulation to build a strong stem. Not only is this important in this stage of life, but once you flower those puppies, they put on a TON of weight and therefor strain on the branches, you dont want wimpy snappy branches and bad bud...
  8. MVNuggets

    my first grow

    Hey I use foil too, keeps light in and helps reflect. A poor mans mylar lol. Anyway if your just using the carboard box shelling I would recommend Insulating with a thin (1/2 inch) layer of styrofoam, helps keep it a good temp, with tin foil over that as the reflector. Thats what I'm currently...
  9. MVNuggets

    18 day from seed snow white (fem)

    I think hes asking why one is having humongous growth and the other isnt. I would say its just that some seeds are genetically more fertile and hit growth spurts earlier than others, just like kids. Theres nothing wrong with them, just one has a destiny to please... no homo... MVNugs
  10. MVNuggets

    first grow- could use some help

    Yeah like Manditroy said, Y splitter sockets are a great help, and you can get em for maybe 3 or 4 bucks a pop (at least around here they are, and everything is mad expensive where I live). CFLs are a great way to go for beginning growers because they are easy to handle. You'll be fine with...
  11. MVNuggets

    sex already showing?

    Yeah I was surprised it didnt come to me when I first read your post/posted. Kinda a "DERP" moment. LOL MVNugs
  12. MVNuggets

    Damn son

    "Sensimilla" just means that the plants were grown without males present, so there are few to no seeds. Btw sensimilla buds have a higher potency, they dont waste their energy making seeds, they make THC :D MVNugs
  13. MVNuggets

    Building grow room (closet) Need help

    So you have a fan thats doing intake and output? And a filter is still valid if your worried at all about smell, just set it up so it pulls air through the filter. Just my 2 Cents. MVNugs
  14. MVNuggets

    sex already showing?

    You know what i was just thinkin, you might have got an auto-flower seed you didnt know about, lots of big name seed dispensaries sell auto-flowering seeds, they will just naturally start flowering after 2 weeks or so (so they would be about 3-6" tall). You might have got an auto-flowering...
  15. MVNuggets


    Goddamn Sir Gonzo, steal my thunder seconds before i post mine... haha SCRoG means Screen of Green Its a technique for LST (low stress training) your plants. It involves a screen with 2"x2" (approx.) squares and seperating branches so they all get equal light, making them all bud well, instead...
  16. MVNuggets

    sex already showing?

    Thats mad weird bro haha, flowering under 24 hour light... must have been monstah buds, budding under 24hour light MVNugs
  17. MVNuggets

    Building grow room (closet) Need help

    attaching it to say, the wall, will help cut noise a little (if you screw it in tight) as it reduces movement of the frame of the fan. What CFM is it? A filter (like for reducing smell) helps slow down the CFM and make it a little quieter. MVNugs
  18. MVNuggets

    sex already showing?

    I find it weird that they already are showing gender... what exactly are you seeing? Is there little balls or hairs in branch "armpits"? Also, how old are they? You might be able to reverse it by putting them under 24 hours or 18 hour light (make them think they were just in Spring). MVNugs
  19. MVNuggets

    first grow- could use some help

    you should just be keeping the soil MOIST (big difference between moist and soggy) until they break ground. After that, only water them once they really need it (droopy), this forces roots to stretch and grow bigger to get all the water possible. It helps alot in alter stages of life. I have...
  20. MVNuggets

    YieldMax -- Striving for Maximum Single-Plant Yield in a Micro Space.

    just be careful not to cut off too much, a plant needs light to grow/feed buds. the leaf itself is what brings in the most energy to the bud to grow it big an fat for our smoking pleasure ;) so some fan leaves that are blocking the light can be removed, but say a leaf on a node site, maybe not...