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  1. MVNuggets

    I am done with tomato cages and the like.

    I've seen good results (outdoor) with those cages you use for pea's, just plant in the middle of it and LST the poop out of it. Tried to find a good picture, couldnt... I mean those A frame ones with 2" by 2" squares in the shape of an upside down V and about 4 feet long. MVNugs
  2. MVNuggets

    when can u tell indica from sativa

    Redrum's right, but it can usually take a while to tell between the leaves. Usually Indica's grow shorter and bushier while Sativa's grow taller. Sativa's also take far longer to finish maturing during flowering if it helps (usually 7-10 weeks). MVNugs
  3. MVNuggets

    I started a grow which started my whole world laughing...

    What CFM is your out fan, and do you have a passive intake? Also, moving the hanging fan so it blows across the lights can help. MVNugs
  4. MVNuggets

    journal?? Its always good to check for a sticky before posting, keeps the site clean. Go to forum > Grow Journals > and up in the upper left there is a green button saying "Start New Thread". Click on it and post away! MVNugs
  5. MVNuggets

    First Grow in DIY Grow Box

    Ok! Today marks their 2 week birthday, and their first doses of nutrients! I added about 1/3 tablespoon of MG All Purpose (24-8-16) to 1 gallon of water. I also put a rack (like from a toaster) in their box today and they have only their top leaves poking out (one will grow into it within 2 days...
  6. MVNuggets

    first grow- could use some help

    There you go man, your one step closer to being a happy ganja farmer like everyone wants to be! MVNugs
  7. MVNuggets

    When to Flower?

    Yes, but Im worried height might be an issue. I hear of plants more than quadrupling in size during flowering, and sativas take between 50 and 90 days during flower to be ready to harvest (I hear). Because my plants were rootlocked in solo cups, they are 3 inches and only have 4 true leaves...
  8. MVNuggets

    When to Flower?

    Hey guys, I have two 2 week old sprouts (they are about 3 inches), and I was wondering when to flower them based on my grow box. BOX SPECS: right now im running 2 20 watt 6500k CFLs and 1 20 watt 2700k CFL. Once I flower I plan on using 3 or 4 20 watt 2700k CFLs. Its about 16" by 28" height of...
  9. MVNuggets

    First Grow in DIY Grow Box

    Today, I was wondering why my 2 week olds had gone from such explosive growth to absolutly none in the last 4 or 5 days. Maybe because they ate all the nutrients out of thier soil already? NO! I was pondering and pondering and it came upon me to transplant them. When I opened up thier solo cups...
  10. MVNuggets

    new girls

    Yeah, fox farm will keep them alive for the first month. How big is your grow box? Plants will about double in size (if not more) during flowering, the last thing you want to do is run out of room or soil. MVNugs
  11. MVNuggets

    Just planted.......

    Until they sprout, just keep the soil moist. Once they sprout, only water once they get droopy. It helps them grow, by stretching the roots out, making them get all available water. You shouldnt add nutes until about 2 weeks of age. Like I said, 6500k is ideal for veg, maybe with 1 2700k, but...
  12. MVNuggets

    How important is the temperature..

    Yeah, auto's will start flowering in about 2 weeks. By then they will only be about 3 to 5" tall, so a vegging cabinet isn't really nessecary. MVNugs
  13. MVNuggets

    1st Grow - Need advice with soil/nutes

    As far as soil: Fox Farm is the heavy hitter of soils for marijuana. DONT GET MIRACLE GROW!!! You want to avoid soils with nutrients added to them mainly. Oh, for a PC grow, you want a wide and shallow rectangular pot, to maximize soil volume and maximize space for growth. I would recommend...
  14. MVNuggets

    Electrical Growing Worries.

    Ive never gone hydro, so for nutrients etc --> That could probably help, he is using an autoflower though. YOu space sounds like it will work if you LST of some sort, 19" wide isnt too much for 2 plants, but it can be...
  15. MVNuggets

    30 days into veg

    N-P-K refers to the balance of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) in a fertilizer. For veg, you want something with about 20-10-10, plants use the nitrogen to grow. During flowering, you want a fert with an N-P-K of about 10-20-20, they dont need as much nitrogen and want more...
  16. MVNuggets

    Just planted.......

    Your 2 32 watt 6500ks will suffice for the first week or so of veg, but I would recommend more light (gotta have those lumens). Add 1 or 2 maybe 27 watt 2700ks too, it helps balance the light spectrum. Yes, CFLs work fine for flowering too, just throughout the entire life cycle, keep the lights...
  17. MVNuggets

    How important is the temperature..

    Ah. That window could be a problem. I would stuff the frame with insulation (styro, that pink shit, mylar, whatever works for you). Ever notice that near a window in winter its cold? Yeah. It also, if its in a unused room, might have a draft to it, as no one ever used it/ upkept it. And by...
  18. MVNuggets

    30 days into veg

    Damn bro, you got nice plants for not having fed them yet. If you plan on vegging them for longer, you should find a nute with an N-P-K of 20-10-10 or likewise. If your gonna flower em now, you should get a 10-20-20 or similar (you'll need this one eventually anyway). Normally, start feeding...
  19. MVNuggets

    grow box build

    DB's right, you should get a fan in there, but its not too big a deal. Sounds like about the same dimensions as my box. Im using one 3" fan (picked up at radioshack for like 25 bucks) and a 3"by3" passive intake and its more than enough. Small boxes are easy to ventilate, and since the size is...
  20. MVNuggets

    my first grow

    Yeah, Convict's right. This shit is a weed, and it grows like one. They are hardy motherfuckers. Especially AK47... holy balls can that plant can survive.